under cals over sugar = weight gain?

Haribo47 Posts: 44
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Every day i'm under my calorie count but really struggle to stay under my sugar. Is this affecting the amount of weight i can lose. IE: if i stayed within my sugar limit could i lose even more weight.?


  • Haribo47
    Haribo47 Posts: 44
  • elg963
    elg963 Posts: 17
    I am definitely NOT an expert, but how has your weight loss been? Have you still been able to lose weight? If you are still losing, I wouldn't worry too much about being over on your sugar.

    Also, where is this sugar coming from? I know, for me, on days when I eat a lot of fruit, I'm ALWAYS over on my sugar. But, it's fruit, so I don't really care too much. However, if it's coming from sweets and candy, you might want to cut back on it a little.

    Again, I'm not an expert, but hope it helped! haha :)
  • Xonim
    Xonim Posts: 5 Member
    Where are your sugars coming from? MFP tends to set sugars extremely low and doesn't differentiate between refined/processed sugars and natural sugars. Odds are, if you eat any fruits at all, you're probably going to be over MFP's suggested daily sugar intake. As long as your are close to your calorie number, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • Well if you're under calorie and over sugar I'd imagine your sugars are coming from healthy sources like dairy and fruits and not candy bars :)

    I'd say you're fine. Calories are what count the most (IMO anyway).
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    This subject is very complex. I'll try to make it simple as possible. Guess what... Over eating, and high amount of carbs(sugar) have the same effect on the body. Your muscles are filled with sugar, if your muscles are low on sugar, when you eat carbs, your muscles will be filled with sugar. But if your muscles are full of sugar and you eat sugar, guess what happens? It will turn in to fat, because carbs raise insulin, which either replenishes your muscles, or carbs get turned in to fat making you fat.

    SO the key here is insulin, this is what makes you fat... When you eat a lot of calories at a sitting, guess what happens? Insulin spikes. SO it's the same effect as eating too much sugar.

    You're probably asking "okay so what do i do?" I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA>.. jk. It would be best to eat your caloric needs, because the food has to digest, having a higher metabolism, compared to if you eat mostly sugar.
  • Cant eat to much fresh fruit. Watch your calories, if you are under your calories then I agree with the other posts, no worry at all. If your sugar is coming from "bad" sources and we all know what that is. Then you do need to refine your diet, but you still should, in theory lose weight. Burn more than you put in you will lose weight, very simple formula! Good luck and do not give up!

  • Haribo47
    Haribo47 Posts: 44
    Thanks everyone
  • red4560
    red4560 Posts: 32
    You won't get weight gain if you are under your calorie intake but you are over your sugar intake if you are eating NATURAL sugar like fruit.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    The 2 weeks that I went brownie/cookie crazy caused me to have a lower loss than any other time (even while being within my calorie goal everyday). Thankfully, it was only those two weeks and I'm back on track with keeping my sugar intake normal or below. And yes, I'm back to losing what I was before the sugar binge. So, from my experience, sugar is a big proponent to keeping your weight/loss on track.
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