Doing It For Me

My name is Christy. I've done this once before, got involved with YMCA lost 40lbs started feeling better then quitgoing. Im right back where I started and where I promised myself I would never be again. I am a picky eater so it makes it more difficult to lose. And to add to that i suffer from PCOS which makes it yet again harder. In major need of some inspiration and tips (food, exercise, ect)


  • imnotsure585
    imnotsure585 Posts: 1 Member
    hi! i know where youre coming from! i too have pcos and once lost but ive never been able to stay motivated! i wish the best luck for you! we can do this!
  • KidA719
    KidA719 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have had a problem with my weight for years. The last month I've lost 8lbs. I work out about 30 min a day and have been eating healthy. A lot of eating also has to do wth portioning. Getting that down helps a lot. So many people over eat. I'm always looking for new food options too. Now that I've cut out the junk I actually feel really good and after 3 weeks I stopped having any cravings for it. It is a lifestyle change. Here's a good link to check out.
  • Alessia_D
    Alessia_D Posts: 3 Member
    PCOS and picky eater here too, but I'm sure we can do this :smile:
  • sammeliaprice
    sammeliaprice Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I also has PCOS. I have always been a thick chick. I just want to lose weight for myself. I want a new beginning. I know that a lot of my health problems will go away. If I keep on doing with is right. I pray we all can do better.
  • nellysen
    nellysen Posts: 49 Member
    I also have PCOS. I have 80lbs to lose. The good news is that losing weight actually will help reverse a lot of the PCOS symptoms that make life so difficult. That is plenty motivation so let's hope we can all stick to it!