I've been here for a week now... looking to add more friends

Hi all... I've been here on MFP now for about a week and would love to add a few more friends. I have about 45 pounds left to lose and as I lose weight I am looking to shape and tone my body. I'm using the 6 week body make over plan by Michael Thurmond with this I am incorporation The pH miracle diet as my food plan for the 6 week body makeover foods are all in the same category. I am looking to live a healthier happier life and know that this is a big step in the right direction.


  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    That's an awesome goal to shoot for. I started at 185 and am down to 148.8. Originally wanted to get to 145, then changed it to 135 and now that I'm this close, I might just go for 125. 135 puts me just barely into the Healthy BMI range and I want to be in the middle. Good luck in your journey and feel free to add me as a friend. The more motivation we can all get, the better our outcome will be
  • binglebell
    binglebell Posts: 29
    Hiya! I've only been using MFP since monday, so really new to this too, have no idea how to add friends yet, but please feel free to add me, I'm on here every day :smile:
    My starting weight is 195 pounds (so fairly close in our start weights), and I'm aiming to lose between 40 and 50 pounds. I'm doing this by watching my calorie intake (no more than 1200 cals per day) and exercising like mad. So far this week I have run 5 miles, cycled 5 miles, worked manically on the wii fit and yesterday I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and I've got to tell you, if that doesn't whip me into shape.... Nothing will! :laugh:
  • romiga
    romiga Posts: 44 Member
    I've been on MFP for about 2wks and I'm loving it! I have yet to meet one person who isn't supportive. I'll send u a request!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    word of advice add ones that are true team players or you miss the feeds from the ones that count!:wink: good luck on your goal!! it can be done. lol but your already my mfp!
  • NancyCatherineWalker
    100 ish lbs to go been here about a week tomorrow - so far 3 lbs gone. Like you, I'm looking for more people to bond with.
  • amejia2
    amejia2 Posts: 1
    Hey there my name is Ashley and I'm also looking to add more friends I just signed up because she has had such success with it on her iPhone app I thought I would try the Android app so I don't have to actually remember to bring my journal everyday! Ive done lindora and lost 127 lbs and have another 50 to go. I am starting to work out and any words of wisdom or tips would be great! Thanks