anybody do Yoga?



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I wear a HRM to hot power vinyasa flow and it burns around 400 an hour for me (146 pounds). Some forms are rigorous (like the P90X yoga) others are more "stretching. A HRM is a great way to find out!

    I did p90x yoga today and was wondering what "kind" it is... I enjoyed it and the times I have taken beginner yoga classes I couldn't say the same...
  • jgfarned
    jgfarned Posts: 5 Member
    There are a lot of different kinds of yoga - I personally prefer styles like vinyasa flow where I feel like I'm really getting a workout, but any type is good for strength, balance, and flexibility. Even within the same style, the degree of intensity you bring will affect how much of a burn you're getting. For example, P90X Yoga X is really long, and really intense - especially if you hold the poses as long and as low as Tony and the rest of the class. Your thighs will burn and you WILL drip sweat. But interestingly, I've found that even though I'm working really hard, my HRM (and therefore the calorie count) never goes that high. I can FEEL that I'm getting serious benefits, so I try to just ignore the numbers when it comes to yoga. The other thing about yoga is that I find I'm so incredibly relaxed, yet energetic, afterwards - nothing else seems to have quite the same effect. In short, it's worth it.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Yoga is brilliant! There are many different kinds of yoga that burn different amounts of calories eg Bikram Yoga burns loads Hatha Yoga not so many. I've seen a snippet of the JM Yoga and it looks like it would probably burn more calories than MFP suggests. You are probably not going to see a HUGE difference in the short term in terms of weight loss just doing Yoga. Yoga and Pilates are great though for making you leaner, more toned and it's great for your health.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I'm thinking about trying Yoga, I keep hearing all these great reviews! :)
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    There is a great article on Yoga and running on Yoga Journal.....just type in Yoga Running in your search bar and it will pop up.

    (can we share urls links here?...on articles....not sure....) but that will get you there.

    The article talked about how yoga will help you with balance, increased range of motion, also help you with your breath and lung capacity. The article goes on to say it will increase muscle strenght and stamina.

    I got into yoga from watching Bob Harper on the Biggest Loser....many seasons back, he walked about the benefits of yoga, with back pain, and seeing the chiropractor on a regular seemed a good way to get proactive about my health...and since going to yoga, I haven't seen the chiropractor since.

    Recently I had eye surgery and foot problems which I am still getting through, and I haven't been as much as I like though I am back to sessions now. body got stiff, and I could feel every bit of my 60 years....yikes.....I thought so this is what my body would be like without yoga. I never want to go there again.

    I used to run, and aerobics, etc etc.....but I never got into Yoga until I was in my fifties. I wish I had when I was younger.

    Try it....find a good instructor or get a good dvd. Best of luck as you explore this new exercise regime! Linn
  • VickyT1978
    VickyT1978 Posts: 29 Member
    I did an hours Body Balance class today and burnt 188 Cals. I'm 148 lbs.

    I do a mixture of yoga and body balance classes every week and love it. Thankfully I only live about 1.5 miles from my gym so where possible I walk/run to the gym, do my class and then walk home, I find that the combination gives me a nice overall workout.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    You go girl!

    I do Yoga 2x a week; Strength Training 3x a week (Joyce Verdal who wrote the book as far as I am concerned on women's strength/weight training) ellipitical, bike 7 x a week and dog walks with my beloved Wally and Hunter 7x days a week.

    I usually shoot for 600 calories burn a day, monday to friday; and about 800 sat and sunday.