Need help!

I have tried using this app before but I really just struggle to stay motivated, so if I saw others people progress I'm hoping it'd help me! Feel free to add me! I'd love the help & motivation!!


  • jsnyder320
    jsnyder320 Posts: 96 Member
    your welcome to add me if you'd like
  • oualkkadi
    oualkkadi Posts: 1 Member
    your welcome. we're here to help each other.
  • rpurdy73
    rpurdy73 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me. My fitness pal has helped me so much!!
  • gsxrguy03
    gsxrguy03 Posts: 9 Member
    I stuggled when i started using this app, but as i started noticing what i was eating was not as healthy as it should be I changed my diet and feel great when i am under my calorie goal. Feel free to add me, we need as much support as possible.
  • trixielovelace
    trixielovelace Posts: 4 Member
    Can you guys friend me too? I need people to give me a hard time if I don't finish my diary. I'm getting really lazy about it, and it's like I'm throwing my workouts right out the window with every bite that I don't put down. I've got some friends, but they are pretty silent.
  • RetardoSanchez
    RetardoSanchez Posts: 1 Member
    I just bought myself fitness band and heart rate monitor and planning on starting to exercise at least 3-4 times a week and eat more healthy. I'll add you and hope we can motivate each other :smile: