looking to bulk and cut with a little help from friends

robbybobby0816 Posts: 1 Member
I just started a week ago and and am seeing some results. I have my goals and motivation. Just looking to connect with others looking to do the same.


  • sryan176
    sryan176 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a lean gain nutrition plan about 10 months ago. It has taken a lot of research and practice. Learning about across and what I have learned to be jst as important-nutrient timing- is crucial. I work with a 40/35/25 split at 3000 calories a dayand only eat carbs that have a 5/1 carb to sugar ratio which keeps my body from becoming insulin resistant-which causes excess carbs to be turned into fat. I only eat carbs pre and post work out and I also carb cycle. Lowering my carbs a bit the first three days and then raise them back up. This keeps your metabolism high and prevents platuea. Knowing your caloric needs is just as important. There are some great calculators online to help with figuring out what your base caloric intake is. That is, how many calories you need to just maintain your current weight.
    I know this is a lot but these are what has worked for me. When I started I was 180lbs and 25%bf. 10 months later I am 195 lbs and 17% BF. The whole "dirty bulking" idea is bs and leads to very difficult cutting phases and is extremely bad for your overall health. Check out Bodybuilding.com's nutrition section there is a wealth of info there
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