Looking for supportive friends to lose 30lbs

jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
I've been hovering around 160 for over a year now and am tired of it. Very determined to lose 30lbs and be somewhere between 130 and 140.
Need encouragement and people with similar goals and dedication.


  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I also have the goal to reach 130-140 lbs. Now...you do have a head start on me by about 70 lbs so you better be serious or I just might catch up to you. :)
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    I have 20 -30 pounds to go. I have not set number, I am at the point where once i loose my love handles, i will go to maintenance. If you need support or constructive criticism, I am happy to help.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 398 Member
    Hi im doing a great program called bodyforlife.com already lost 9lbs its a great lrogram highly recommend. Its about lifestyle change its awesome. I would be s great buddy help you a long the way and we can chat on google hangouts if you want.
  • kgullison
    kgullison Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat! I am trying to get close to 125-130 and am sure entry at 160! I am new to this but have been plugging away for 2 weeks and it's working!