It's a journey

Hello everyone! I'm not new to my fitness pal,but I've taken a step back on my journey. I've realized motivation keeps you going. I'm all about the healthy lifestyle,but I would love to keep myself active each and everyday. I lost 44lbs by keeping track of my fitness, my food intake and writing down my personal goals. I would really love to have more inspiration on my page since a lot of my friends have become inactive. I'm here to motivate and be motivated by all of you. I'm here to have fun,keep up with my lifestyle and keep the pounds off! :)) Please feel free to add me and let's crush it from here on forward. Always be inspired!!

Thanks, Alesha


  • 2009jewellz
    2009jewellz Posts: 187 Member
    Added you!!
  • Abbye_97
    Abbye_97 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally understand the non active friends! Bring on the dropped weight! I hope you don't mind if I share my story?

    Ever since the second half of my 6th grade year, I've struggled with weight. I can remember being 112 pounds at the beginning of middle school and by the end I was over 200. My middle school years were complete hell due to family circumstances, typical drama, and other various reasons. My first two years of highschool weren't so bad, but when I'd go shopping with my friends and would hear themselves call their size eight, six, or even four pants "Fat pants" it became a little discouraging when I'd reach for a size 18, an XXL, being around them became no fun at all. So during the summer after my sophomore year of high school I decided it was time for change. I stated guzzling water, walking for at least an hour a day, and lost around 35ish pounds. I was finally under 200 pounds for the first time in years. I was so proud of myself and I continued trying to lose more and more. (In a healthy way.) During late September/Early October of my Junior year I got really sick. I have a stomach disorder known as C.V.S and it acted up big time. I had no appetite for over a month and missed around 4 weeks of school and had to go back sick for another two. During that process I hit a number I never thought I'd see which was around 170 pounds. I was in a size 12 in jeans and felt so much better about myself. (Even though me being sick was a major factor in that.) I managed to keep it off for a few months, and received so many compliments, but then the holidays hit. In the course of 5 weeks there are several celebrations in my family: Mom's Birthday, Christmas Eve, Christmas with multiple groups of people, New Years, My birthday, and my parents all take place from December 5 to January 8. Needless to say there are lots of fried, fatty, and sugary foods in that time frame. It became harder and harder to try and get a handle on my eating habits, so I gave up and here I am graduating my senior year at 222lbs.

    Hopefully my lessons have been learned. I am going to take each day one at a time, and hope to have the support of friends, family, and new myfittness pal friends to reach a healthy goal. My over all goal is to end up in the "Healthy Weight" Category of my BMI and I"m currently ranked in the "Second Class Obese" category.
    In a little over a year I am going to a Shakespeare Festival with my high school and I want to shock everyone who will have not seen me in a year.
    I know I can do this. It's just a long journey.

    Please feel free to add me, I'll help support anyone that wants the help.