I miss a large plate of food, da**it!

Doing weight loss with portion control and excercise. Doing ok. Have lost 3.8 lbs in my first month back in the saddle. I eat whatever I want, within my daily calorie limit of 1700, so I don't miss anything, but 3/4 cup of cereal just makes me mad. Sorry so negative. Needed to vent.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm eating a large plate of food for about 350 calories right now...6 ounces of lean turkey, 150 grams of each zucchini and squash, 50 grams of tomato, 50 grams of mushroom, 65 grams of bleak beans, mixed with chipotle sauce and a laughing cow cheese.

    If you like to eat high volume, it can be done.
  • mixie2004
    mixie2004 Posts: 4 Member
    feeling your pain