How Much Did You Lose Before Anyone Noticed?

I started using MFP back in December, to support a friend (who is no longer using it). Initially, it was for her but I found MFP really easy to use and I've stuck with it despite having no support.

In January, I saw a doctor who diagnosed me with various metabolic issues (thyroid, borderline diabetic, adrenal fatigue, PCOS, etc. ad nauseum) along with food issues (allergic to dairy, soy, wheat, eggs [eggs, how I miss thee]). So, she tweaked my thyroid meds, sent me to a nutritionist to work on a diet plan and said if that doesn't help, medications will be next.

Now, flash forward to today and I've lost 39.2 lbs since starting with MFP (52 lbs from my heaviest weight last year). I have a long way to go but I already feel amazing. I've dropped my insulin levels 18 points, back into the normal range, no longer need my blood pressure meds, progress at the gym unlike I ever have in the past (lift heavier, become faster when I walk and during my swim laps) I know I've dropped weight on the scale and lost several inches overall.

So, that long intro was to say, I have ample data showing my progress and I'm quite happy. I know that one reason I've stuck to it this time around is because it is for me to become healthy and not to make someone else happy. However, despite what I consider a significant drop already, I have not had any family or friends notice.

My question is: How many pounds did you drop before anyone else noticed?


  • hapa11
    hapa11 Posts: 182 Member
    Great job! It took me 15 pounds before the first person commented, but once that happened it seemed like all of a sudden everyone noticed. It's weird how it seems like everyone notices at the same time.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    I started in January with 95-ish pounds to lose, and am rid of 39.5 of them. Besides the hubby and kids, I had someone notice for the first time yesterday.
  • DawnUrbanski
    DawnUrbanski Posts: 39 Member
    As of today I have lost 20. My husband and one co worker has noticed. No one else in my immediate family has noticed and it's very frustrating. But my husband reminds me I'm doing this for me not them.
  • IndigoSpider
    IndigoSpider Posts: 37 Member
    I agree @DawnUrbanski, it is for me and not anyone else. I'm just thinking I need new friends if they haven't noticed yet :D But, it would be nice for some recognition from someone!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I lost over 30 lb. before people I see on a regular basis began to comment on it. But I think people I don't see often noticed it around 20-25 lb. When people see you all the time, it's hard to notice gradual changes. That's why it's a good idea to take progress pictures.
  • deniztuzu2
    deniztuzu2 Posts: 77 Member
    I lost 65 lbs before anyone commented.
  • IndigoSpider
    IndigoSpider Posts: 37 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    I lost over 30 lb. before people I see on a regular basis began to comment on it. But I think people I don't see often noticed it around 20-25 lb. When people see you all the time, it's hard to notice gradual changes. That's why it's a good idea to take progress pictures.

    People I see regularly haven't noticed but neither have people I haven't seen for months. That was what surprised me, honestly. I didn't expect a parade but at least a "you've lost weight" kinda thing.

    I did take "before" pictures from my heaviest weight but so far haven't taken any others. I hate the camera, always have, because of the weight. But, I will suck it up and take some more to see the progress. Besides, I hope to have a "success" thread someday and gotta have pics for that! :p
  • IndigoSpider
    IndigoSpider Posts: 37 Member
    deniztuzu2 wrote: »
    I lost 65 lbs before anyone commented.

    Wow, congrats! Nice to know it takes a while for people to notice.
  • IndigoSpider
    IndigoSpider Posts: 37 Member
    BTW, Congrats to all of you for losing!
  • Lebatsirk
    Lebatsirk Posts: 27 Member
    People started noticing when I'd lost approx 3 stone (42lbs). I still find it hard to take compliments though, and always end up saying "Thanks. I've lost 3½ stone, but I've still got another 2½ stone to go".
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I just have to comment from the other side. I am reluctant to comment when someone I know has lost weight. Last year when I commented to a sales rep about his weight loss. His reply set me back - I have cancer and will probably die within a year. Since then I am more than hesitant to say anything.
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    In the mid-200s, I have to lose 25-30# before anyone notices. Except my dad. He could tell when I would shed a mere 10# (and I have a round face!) Also, I agree with cblue315. Some people just won't say anything because they aren't sure how it will be received.

    One other thought: Are you wearing the same clothes? If so, they must be getting baggy. Getting an outfit that fits your current frame might make the wl more noticable.

    Congrats! And keep it up!
  • ylvak94
    ylvak94 Posts: 32 Member
    I lost about 20 lbs my first time around before anyone noticed. Then I got comments from everyone at once.
  • theshaleco
    theshaleco Posts: 39 Member
    I lost a lot of the weight in my face first so after about 10lbs my friends and family commented. The thing is I have now lost 20lbs and I have a hard time seeing the difference in myself.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Congrats on your loss! For me it was about 5 lbs, but I'm short and started at 163.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    I'm not sure it has to do with how much weight you lose so much as reaching that point where it's obvious, you know?

    For example, a few years ago I dropped from 195 to 175 and no one noticed. Then when I hit the 160-165 range everyone was commenting. Just because when you're at an overweightish state losing a pound makes a much larger difference than if you're *really* overweight.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    At exactly 28 lbs I got my first comment. But pretty much 30 lbs everyone noticed.
  • sallymac226
    sallymac226 Posts: 8 Member
    I lost Loads before anyone noticed. A few people who knew I was dieting didn't comment until I had lost nearly 2 stone (28 lbs) and other people would say things like "have you lost a bit of weight?" When I had lost nearly 3 stone (42 lbs). But I think I was staying in too large clothes for too long as some above comments have implied.