Not losing weight!

Okay so I'm getting extremely frustrated! I know I should probably just be more patient, but it's getting difficult. I've only been a member for a few weeks, but weight was falling off at first. I lost 8lbs. very quickly, then nothing for weeks. I have my goal set to two lbs. per week, often finish a day with calories left over, and exercise (cycling and walking). I don't get it, what am I doing wrong??


  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Are you weighing all of your food using a food scale? You could be eating more than you realize which can slow down your progress? Are you using accurate database entries when logging food? some of the entries are off and need to be double-checked before you use them. Are you using MFP estimates for your calorie burn for exercising and eating those calories back? If so, that could be part of the problem. MFP grossly exaggerates calorie burn and many people on here only eat 1/3 to 1/2 of their exercise calories back.

    Also, what is your starting weight and goal weight? What do you have MFP set for you to lose each week? What is your other stats, age, height, etc.? This things can help others to help you determine what is going on. Keep in mind that an 8 pound loss in one week is not typical and doesn't happen regularly over time.
  • JustinaJohnson83
    JustinaJohnson83 Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah I thought the 8lb. loss was very strange, but I've maintained it at least. I'm 31, 5'8", started at 245 at 236 now. I have MFP set to two pounds a week, 1,200ish calories a day. Aside from breakfast when I eat oatmeal, most of my food is already measured out in the form of Lean Cuisine type stuff. I know they're probably not the best but I loathe cooking so there's that. I don't have a scale though, so I eat a few things at a guess. I'm thinking maybe the problem is what you mentioned about eating overestimated exercise calories back, because I usually will eat at least half. Thanks for replying!
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    If you're still doing the same form,length and strength of exercise your body is probably used to it and its not making a difference... You might want to change your activity, extend it or make it more challeging
  • tburgess242002
    tburgess242002 Posts: 231 Member
    The first 10 pound seem to be the easiest make sure all your settings are correct try not need to exercise calories and hopefully you'll begin to lose weight again just remember sometimes people get stuck in certain areas for a while so don't get discouraged try to stay under your calorie count or within your limits don't eat your exercise calories and drink lots of water but not too much don't wash away your electrolytes Best of luck
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    So how long has it been specifically that you haven't lose ANY weight?

    Also, weight loss isn't linear. There's going to be weeks that nothing changes, or even *gasp* goes up. You're looking for a downward trend over time. If, after 4-6 weeks you have not lost weight, then its time to reevaluate what you're doing. Other than that, patience young grasshoppa.
  • JustinaJohnson83
    JustinaJohnson83 Posts: 8 Member
    I was mostly just walking and doing strength exercises, but have added bike riding recently so hoping that adds a little something. It hasn't been very long since I stopped losing, just two weeks. Was just getting worried that I was doing something wrong. Glad I did mention it since you've all had good pointers :)
  • chrgrl95
    chrgrl95 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I noticed that you've been going on according the calories set by MFP. I'm a certified personal trainer and I wouldn't recommend doing that since these are not that reliable and could be causing you to undereat and messing with your metabolism. I'd recommend using a bmr calculator to get a more accurate estimate for your caloric needs. For the first or so you may see a bit of an increase on the scale but don't worry because this is just water weight. Good luck on your journey and feel free to message me, I'd be glad to help :smile:
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose? I am about the same height and weight as you and I typically eat 1800 calories a day, but don't eat back exercise calories. When I stay focused, I lose a little over a pound a week and still get to eat a small piece of dark chocolate with lunch and dinner everyday.

    Another concern would be the sodium content of the lean cuisine meals, they may be causing you to hold onto some water weight. You may want to start tracking your inches lost along with weight loss because many times the scale won't budge (or goes up slightly) and you will lose inches.

    Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • cbad1969
    cbad1969 Posts: 11 Member
    The quick answer... Your first weight loss was mostly water weight. Happens to everybody. Secondly your intake is way to low at 245. You are basically telling Your body to store food

    But there is soooooo much more. What's your water intake, fiber, excerose routine, duration blAh blah blah

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If your not weighing everything you consume then your likely eating more then you think. Weighing all your foods with a food scale is so important. Eyeballing it doesn't work well. You need to be as accurate as possible.