Quick Question: Anyone can answer!!

is there anything wrong if I don't use all my daily calories. I have yet to use them all up in a day, and today for example I had 800+ calories left over...??
Or am I suppose to eat all the calories I'm giving??


  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
  • mizchief_mayhem
    mizchief_mayhem Posts: 2 Member
    800 is kind of a lot to have left over...unless you were extremely inactive today. When you completed your diary entry for the day, did it give you a warning about underrating?
  • allison_ringo
    allison_ringo Posts: 20 Member
    Wats wrong if I don't use them all though? Will that hinder the weight loss?
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Hard to answer your question with no information.

    If you are at 1200 and had 800 left over that means you only ate 400. That could be considered not healthy...especially if that is occurring often.

    Were exercise calories part of that 800 leftover?

    Now if your calorie level is 3000 and you had a lazy day and only ate 2200...then probably not so bad.

    The circumstances affects how people might answer you.
  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    to answer your question if this is a once in a blue moon kind of thing you'll be fine. nothing bad is going to happen to you. No Its not gonna hinder your weight loss.

    And even if eating under your calorie goal is a normal thing for you, whether or not 800 calories under is a big deal or not is relative to the individual, like somebody else pointed out.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    The question is: are you calculating correctly? Or, Are you not hungry? Or, are you sure those 800 calories aren't being absconded from your daily sense of food because of medication?
  • allison_ringo
    allison_ringo Posts: 20 Member
    Oh ok. I see wat yall are saying. I normally get 1,730 calories every day. But I had 483 exercise points.
    So I ate 1,386, which is still under the calorie goal. That's how I had 800 left over.
    And yes I'm not going hungry at all. I ate all of my meals and snacks, I just eat smaller portions and make smarter decisions when I choose wat to eat. And I don't eat wen I'm not hungry to avoid mindless snacking
  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    Oh ok. I see wat yall are saying. I normally get 1,730 calories every day. But I had 483 exercise points.
    So I ate 1,386, which is still under the calorie goal. That's how I had 800 left over.
    And yes I'm not going hungry at all. I ate all of my meals and snacks, I just eat smaller portions and make smarter decisions when I choose wat to eat. And I don't eat wen I'm not hungry to avoid mindless snacking

    in that case keep doing what ya doing imo..this sounds perfectly fine to me.....
  • allison_ringo
    allison_ringo Posts: 20 Member

    I'm 5'3
    142 pounds
    I go to the gym as often as I can. But I also work as a server during the summer, so I'm walking during my entire 61/2 hour shift. And
    I don't know the exact number of my intake of nutrients

  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    You drink any sugared drinks?
  • allison_ringo
    allison_ringo Posts: 20 Member
    All I've had today was water and a diet Mountain Dew
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Yep, hard to find the cause, skipping 800 cals out of a diet isn't common, how's your bowel function? Do you ever feel bloated? Not like when one drinks soda, but I mean bloated and swollen. Also, are you having several meal times, 3 a day or are you having fewer?
  • allison_ringo
    allison_ringo Posts: 20 Member
    Everything is fine and I don't feel bloated. And yes I ate all 3 meals. At 7am, 3pm, and 9pm for dinner. And snacks throughout the day wen I get hungry. I just eat smaller portions and measure out the food to stay consistent
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    I think you shouldn't mind it, just be cautious that you won't find yourself going to bed with a stomach in a rumble. You'll be ok.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You drink any sugared drinks?
    That has no impact on fat loss unless it puts you in a surplus.

    Yep, hard to find the cause, skipping 800 cals out of a diet isn't common, how's your bowel function? Do you ever feel bloated? Not like when one drinks soda, but I mean bloated and swollen. Also, are you having several meal times, 3 a day or are you having fewer?

    Neither does meal frequency.

    Oh no no, you´re wrong, sugary beverages makes you falsely full, also the sugar in it gives your pancreas a stop signal in producing hungry hormones, of course you must log those cals from every beverage.

    Meal frequency has a lot to do with that, when you wake up you might experience a sensation of no need of breakfast, so you might even skip lunch and have a large large 1000 cals meal mid afternoon and you could find yourself so full that you´ll skip those cals later, of course it doesn't affect your weight reduction but it might confuse your meal body schedule.

  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You drink any sugared drinks?
    That has no impact on fat loss unless it puts you in a surplus.

    Yep, hard to find the cause, skipping 800 cals out of a diet isn't common, how's your bowel function? Do you ever feel bloated? Not like when one drinks soda, but I mean bloated and swollen. Also, are you having several meal times, 3 a day or are you having fewer?

    Neither does meal frequency.

    Oh no no, you´re wrong, sugary beverages makes you falsely full, also the sugar in it gives your pancreas a stop signal in producing hungry hormones, of course you must log those cals from every beverage.

    Meal frequency has a lot to do with that, when you wake up you might experience a sensation of no need of breakfast, so you might even skip lunch and have a large large 1000 cals meal mid afternoon and you could find yourself so full that you´ll skip those cals later, of course it doesn't affect your weight reduction but it might confuse your meal body schedule.

    Just because you're hungry doesn't mean you're going to gain or lose fat. Hunger and cravings don't affect fat loss, a deficit or surplus will.