hmmm will this help

Kim76mfp Posts: 1 Member
So today is the day for getting "back on it" 12 month off from clean eating! !! It was all fun and games till my jeans didn't fit.. lots a of life changes but I'm finally back on it with help from my personal trainer Mr Sykes


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If it helped you before to reduce your calories it probably will again. One thing you may want to ask yourself: were you happy when you were doing it or were you feeling deprived? If it's the latter, consider looking for a different strategy that will make you less prone to "falling off the wagon".
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    Yes, it will help! And the beauty of it is: no clean eating required. Just log, be honest, consistent, and as accurate as you can. Be patiënt, and it will work. I have my goals set at less than a pound a week. I weigh in daily, my weekly and monthly report just show a lot of up and down, but in the ninety day report, you can see a downward slope! 'Clean foods' will help you towards improving your health and keep you satisfied longer though.
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    My theory is whatever you choose to do is to think, "Could you live like that for life?" If so go for it. That is what I am trying to do. There will be deviations but that is to be expected whatever you do.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    Clean eating actually means different things to different people. My clean foods are my fuel to meet my macros but I also eat all the foods that I ate before (just less of it) and I made some minor changes in certain types of things I used to eat ...

    Once I got around the fact that food is my energy source (the gasoline in my car) I changed the way I think a bit. But never depriving my self or saying "i can't have that because it is so "bad", that I will get ill if I eat that". I would have never made forward progress. And I work out 5 - 6 days week which is something I NEVER did before..

    Make the changes for life and not 12 months at a time... eat today like you are going to eat for the rest of your life.. And more importantly open up the window to new things like "new tastes" of foods you never had before and enjoy it, eating food is something we do every day and with the people we love..