Need help

calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
edited May 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So I started this about a month ago on April 22 and when I started my goal was to lose 2 pounds per week and I weighed 173 my calorie goal was at 1780 now we fast forward to today and I'm at 163.4 but I've weighed myself the last 4 days and have been this and it seems like it's not going down at all now which is frustrating and I'm definitely staying under my calories cuz I'm eating the exact same foods I've been eating since I started and have lost 10 pounds there's really only 3 meals that I eat so I know the calorie number is right I just can't figure out why just this week it doesn't seem to be moving and I noticed this last time to when I got to the 161-163 area the scale was stuck but that was before I was using this app I also run treadmill for 20 mins which burns 200 Calories as well and I have done that everyday since April 22 so I'm really confused as to why I have seen almost no changes this week if anyone could help me


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Have patience...there will always be days and weeks where you don't lose.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    That ^^^

    PUS: as you get lighter you need fewer and fewer calories. It's why most plateaus happen. (But you probably aren't there yet with only a 10 pound loss thus far)
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    edited May 2015
    It's just so confusing how I don't lose cuz my new calorie Goal is 1700 so it has changed and it hasn't quite been a month and I've lost about 10 pounds but the most frustrating part is I never even hit my 1700 calorie Goal limit I'm typically 300-400 under that and still have managed to stay stuck this week and I thought it would be something that changed every week cuz if your eating under 3500 calories cuz that equals a pound and your way under that you would see a change
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I think you are doing just fine you just need to keep at it weight loss is not linear some weeks you will do everything right and not see a loss you might even see a gain also are you using a food scale weighing your foods accurately that is really important sometimes we get complacent and think we know how much we are eating just by eyeballing portions but may really be eating more than we think use a scale as often as you can good luck.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks guys I will try out some of the things that were suggested