Calling all vegans!



  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Karen_M wrote: »
    Hi there. Just started my fitness kick. I'm 56, single, 90% vegan and eat fish occasionally. Would love to connect with likeminded spirits :smile:
    It's not a Kick... it has to be a lifestyle change, or you will Fail. And if you eat Fish: Pescetarian. ;)

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm vegetarian right now, but would like to try vegan again. It's easy for me to give up meat, but eating well is an entirely different issue. I would love to hear how others are eating a nutritious vegan diet.
  • Beckyyywillbeslim
    Beckyyywillbeslim Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to stalk some vegetarian/vegan food diaries! gradually cutting out meat in my diet but finding it hard to find tasty cheap meals for my student budget! Feel free to give me an add and hopefully we can help each other!
  • tininathemeckanik
    tininathemeckanik Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been vegan for too months now and have felt amazing. The only problem is I have a very hard time with digesting beans. Just curious if anyone has had similar issues and how to fix it thanks so much!
  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    edited May 2015
    Yay! Hi everyone! Been a vegetarian for five years and a vegan since last November.... So nice to see so many likeminded people :D
  • georgiaeasterbrook7
    georgiaeasterbrook7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm newly vegan but struggling with meal ideas!
  • colejkeene
    colejkeene Posts: 84 Member
    Anyone vegan/vegetarian feel free to add me! I have a closed diary, but I am active in the newsfeed, run a blog and love to post to Instagram!
  • withoutasaddle
    withoutasaddle Posts: 191 Member
    I don't label my diet (too restrictive), but I eat no meat eggs or milk, and try to avoid other dairy products if convenient. Anyone can add me
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Would love to stalk some vegetarian/vegan food diaries! gradually cutting out meat in my diet but finding it hard to find tasty cheap meals for my student budget! Feel free to give me an add and hopefully we can help each other!

    I pretty much started becoming vegetarian because of my student diet! I was in grad school and buying meat was just more than my wallet could handle. I will admit, I am definitely not vegan although I've tried to cut my cheese a bit (still working on that one). I do use eggs in my diet quite often. Almost every day.

    Rice and beans are great on a budget. I used to make with taco seasoning and canned diced tomato and frozen corn. So good. Roasted veggies, stir fries, Indian food (there's a really great cabbage recipe a friend of mine gave me. It makes a ton! great to share or eat for a week), pastas of all sorts... Beans are so cheap if you buy them dried and cook them yourself. You can then freeze them and use them in various dishes for months! (Plus you avoid excess sodium that often comes with canned foods).
  • itskeana
    itskeana Posts: 3 Member
    Pecatarian, I eat fish but mostly vegetarian. Would love to connect and share recipes. I'm currently struggling with consuming enough protein.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Northern Washington Vegan! :3
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    vegan-leaning vegetarian (occasionally eat foods made with eggs or dairy), here, for almost 25 years. Lost most of the weight I came on here to lose, but plan to stick around for a few more pounds and maintenance. I've made some good friends on this site I would hate to lose! I like cooking super fast recipes with maximum nutrition--not good at standing in the kitchen for more than about 10 min at a time--and I sometimes make up my own weird but healthy recipes. Anybody can feel free to add me, but give me a clue why you are sending a friend request!
  • Naturesdawn
    Naturesdawn Posts: 14 Member
    I'm also from N. California and am just beginning to transition into a vegan lifestyle for health reasons (and because I truly love animals and don't want to eat them anymore.) Already, the few people I've mentioned it to are treating me like I joined a cult, and I'd love some support from like-minded people. Please add me! :)