Tattoo Dilemma

cndraycott Posts: 16 Member
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
I've been wanting to get a tattoo for a while, but I've had a constant fear that I'll change my mind in a year and a half and will no longer like the design. I think I've settled on something that I really like, but when I told my best friend the reasoning and the idea, she distastefully scoffed at it, and told me she thought it was a bad idea, insisting that I wait a good long time, and if I still wanted it YEARS down the road, then I should get it. She said she would never get one herself. She's a Muslim, and believes it to be defiling the body.

Now, I don't plan on getting anything very vulgar, I actually plan on getting a Sailormoon tattoo... I've loved the cartoon ever since I was a child, and continue to love it today. The last year has been really hard on me, and I remembered thinking that if maybe this lazy, candy crazed, girl with bad grades in school could be a super hero, then maybe i could be one too. Now I'm older and I DO feel like a super hero... but obviously my best friend in the world doesn't agree.

I watched her tell her boyfriend my reasoning behind getting this tattoo.. and she fluffed it off like "Psh... she wants it because she feels like a super hero or some ****." and I was kind of insulted. They both agree that I shouldn't get it somewhere so visible (right underside of my forearm), but I contest that the placement is important too... since I'm right handed, and I'm a writer.

What do you guys think? Is my friend just letting her personal ideas about tattoos get in the way, or does this really sound like a bad idea?


  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    This has to be a personal choice and not something your friend will understand espicaly with your choice of tatt.... I surgest you get a henna tatt and see how much you like it
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I LOVE IT!!! I think you have careful considered this and you should go for it! I think it would be really cut PLUS have special meaning! I don't have any tattoos myself, but my daughter has a few, she's 20.
  • barbleit
    barbleit Posts: 8 Member
    I think you should ask for a temp tat where you want it and wear it for a week or so, then decide.
  • Kirk_D
    Kirk_D Posts: 85
    Personally I don't like tattoos, but that is me. Having said that, why don't you get a henna tattoo just to try it out?
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    the tattoo (and meaning) is for you - and you alone. I have been planning to get another to commemorate the end of my Phd - my design idea is a bit out there, and most of those I've told think its silly and/or lame - but in the end, I will still get it since it is cool in my head, and in the end, that's the only person who matters ;-)
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    For me, I would not get a cartoon or anime inspired tat. Of my friends that have cartoon inspired tats, they typically say that they wish they never got the cartoon tats. One had some cartoony frog that she has since had removed. One had a Winnie the Pooh and has been planning on a cover-up. The other had Tweety bird and though she no longer likes it, doesn't plan on removing it as far as I know.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I got two very small, not-very-visible tattoos when I was 20. One is on the inside part of my heel (usually covered by a shoe, unless I wear flip-flops). The other is right on my hip bone. One is a daisy and the other is a floral/vine pattern. The daisy is as small as a dime. The floral/vine is also small - about the size of a half dollar. I've made it to 39 years old with most people having NO IDEA I have tattoos. Even some of my family (parents and siblings) have never noticed/seen them.

    And you know what... I totally regret getting them. I wish they weren't there. If they were any bigger/more visible, I would probably spend the money to have them lasered off. They seemed like a good idea when I went to the tattoo shop with my sorority sisters in college, but it turned out to be a silly mistake. There were five of us who got tattoos that day, and four of us really wish we hadn't. We joke about what a bad idea it turned out to be.

    Of course, not everyone goes on to regret getting a tattoo. Just my personal experience... :-)
  • Gabby215
    Gabby215 Posts: 69
    How long have you had the idea for this tattoo? I have five tattoos and whenever I have thought of what to get, I really kind of let it sink in for a while before really going about making appointments, etc. to make sure I'm really sure. The important thing is if it has meaning for YOU, no one else. Sounds like this will be your first tattoo? Well, everyone will have an opinion and that's just something you'll have to deal with. My sister is pretty covered but our mom HATES tattoos. She always makes comments about how much she dislikes our pieces, but we love them and we don't really care what she thinks (we're 30 and 27 so she can't really tell us what to do anymore!). Since this is your best friend, will you be able to live with the fact that she will disapprove of it? Also it's going to be in a visible spot and unfortunately in some places people are judgemental about tattoos. Again, will you care what other people think or how they may see you because of your tattoo? (dumb I know, but some people still think certain things of people, especially women, with tattoos but I do think it's changing bit by bit). Bottom line, this will be for you, if you like the meaning, place and everything about it, then go for it! Oh - and make sure you research a good artist - look at portfolios and choose someone who can actually draw!!!!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    If you want one, and it sounds like you've thought about it a long time, and even decided what you want, go for it! I was in my 30's before I got my first one. Mostly cuz of my parents! lol I know how they feel about it, esp' a woman! AND their daughter!! <gasp> :-) But I got it, it's a Pegasus about 2 inches on my right shoulder. Easily hid with most outfits! I love it, still love it (even though he's faded & needs to be redone) Your BF has her opinions & she's entitled. I'm not a fan of a female having tat's on her arm, but if that's what you want. My only thought was, when I was placing mine was, what if I was dressed up? Would it look hokey? Then I also thought, psht... when do I every get THAT dressed up?? Well, I'm in a wedding & guess what, we're wearing off the shoulder dresses! I asked the bride if she was offended or anything, she was fine, said, "it's you!" :-) So, think long & hard (which you have by the sounds of things) then go for it. My second tat is a paw print in memory of my first shepherd. That one is visible with a tank top on, he got it over a bit to far, but it's cool. I still want to get a couple more, all in places not visible unless by invitation! But I have a blood condition, so I have to see if they will even do it. One is waiting for my weight lose goal to hit, then I'm heading in! :-) Good luck with your decision.
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    the best advice I was ever told about getting inked was that if I found/made an image that I liked to wait at least a yr to be sure that I liked it a year latter. ...and to also think about where I wanted it and to think about how those body parts may change and if it was something that you wanted everybody to see. ""If you get a little tweety bird on ur butt then by the time your fourty it could become big bird OR if you get a little sweet rose on your breast then after babies and what not you might end up w a long stem rose."" ...ahh the wise words of moms...

    well, in my case had I gotten something like that my mom would have been right. I'm glad I listen. I always knew I wanted a tat, but I didn't know what. YEARS ago my sister asked me to do a tat design for her and I wanted to have something special to represent our sisterhood, did some research and found a celtic knot and I knew that if I ever got a tat it would be that. I spent months playing the design and colors... it finially came together and I had a friend come over and draw it, with sharpies, in the place I wanted it (on my back, below my neck, above my shoulder blades; where I can hide it or show it off and if I ever have anymore babies its safe from streach marks!) I REALLY wanted to be 100% SURE that I loved it. I can say, 3 yrs later I STILL love it an my sis loved it so much that she wanted it too and we went and got them done together! was a great day! ... my husband however, wasn't much of a fan of me getting a tat but tried to understand why I wanted one...

    ...anyways... the moral of the story, in the end YOU have to LOVE it and no one else. So be sure you love it 100% and that the tat artist is awesome and then totally rock it!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It's a personal decision. I think the only way you would regret it, would be if you allowed some one else to influence your decision.
  • cndraycott
    cndraycott Posts: 16 Member
    You are totally and completely correct on that one! It's my decision, and I love the idea.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Let me know when you open the bar. I'm so there.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    It's your body and you get to decorate it how you want and nobody, not even your bff gets to have a say. However, depending on what you want to be when you "grow up" you may want to consider where you place it. I have a half sleeve on my arm and although it is not offensive at all I have to cover it up at work under certain circumstances. I work for an agency that works with a state agency and when I have to interact with the state I am expected to cover my tattoo. No problem in the winter but in the summer I can't just where a short sleeve shirt because it does not cover it so I have to where a long sleeve shirt. Most of the time the long sleeve shirt raises more questions than the actual tattoo which has been exposed on occasion in unscheduled state meetings. Sometimes it's a pain in the *kitten*. not the tattoo but having to cover it. Get the tattoo and rock on with your bad self!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    When I decided I wanted mine I waited FOUR YEARS to get it, just to make sure I wasn't going through a phase. I still love it!
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    It's a personal decision. I think the only way you would regret it, would be if you allowed some one else to influence your decision.

    Good call... when I was inked I did it completely on my own, didn't ask anyone to come with and look at my design first. I didn't want anyone else's opinion on what I wanted. Granted, it's only been 3 years... but I love my tat!
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Decisions like this are indeed highly personal. The fact that you have turned not only to your best friend but to virtual strangers for approval and opinions might give you pause for thought in itself. If you're not sure you want a tattoo, or THIS tattoo, and I mean REALLY REALLY sure, then you're not ready to go under the needle. No sin in that.

    We are approaching the perfect time of year for what I consider the litmus test. You ready for this? Take yourself to the beach. Look at older people who have tattoos. It's easier to do at the beach because there's less clothing covering things up. But if the beach isn't convenient, figure another place to look. Consider that in 30-40 years your skin will look much the same as theirs. Factor in your diet and the way your body is going to change in the coming year and ask yourself, do you really want to get tattooed now, when you aren't sure where your skin is going to shrink and where it won't? If it were me, I'd at least want to wait until I got to my goal weight (it would be a sweet reward if you knew for sure you wanted to go that route.)

    Now here's my confession. A few years ago I lost a LOT of weight. It was close to my 40th birthday and I thought a tattoo would be a great way to celebrate. I considered how tattoos age and decided to get something small in a place where most people wouldn't see it. And then I turned my mind to designs. I'm an artist. This wouldn't be hard, would it? But it was. After a year of trying I could not settle on piece of artwork I felt strongly enough about that I wanted it permanently applied to my skin. I was deeply disappointed, because I had really been looking forward to getting a tattoo. (How silly is that?) Then my best friend told me something kind of funny, she said "I'm not surprised, you've also never put a bumper sticker on your car, even when we were kids." so if everything else you've read hasn't helped you answer the tattoo or no tattoo question, maybe you should look at the back of your car and see if you're the kind of person who needs to put a message out there for everyone on the planet to see. :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I agree with those that have said that these sort of decisions but I'll weigh in on the topic anyway.

    I don't fault your choice of design, obviously it means a great deal to you in ways that most people probably will not grasp, that doesn't matter. it matters to you. But your choice of where to have it is what gives me some pause.

    While I love tattoos, and have since my teens, for some reason I have an aversion to the notion of having tatts on the hands, forearms or above the neck, and I really can't put my finger on why, because I've seen some truly beautiful sleeves. Maybe it's just a little too obvious, I don't know.

    My own tatt, reasonably small and simple in design is on the front of my shoulder, positioned there specially because it would be easy for me to see whenever I chose, so it's not as if I'm all about hiding the artwork.

    Nothing more than my .02
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I love how you've compared yourself to Sailor Moon. She is awesome! I used to try doing my hair like her when I was younger as I too had very long blonde hair!
    Don't let the opinions of others sway your decision. It's always a good idea to have a tattoo done in a place that can easily be covered but I think it's a beautiful idea. If you get this done i'd LOVE to see the end result!
    Serena ftw xx
  • I like that you have thought out what you would like but might I suggest not getting it in the most visible place? My first few tattoos weren't in the most visible spots and as time went by, I started getting them in more obvious places. I had the option to cover the first ones up, which was nice since I was young & I didn't want to be immediately judged. Now I'm 26, know what I want to do with my life & visible tattoos won't interfere with it. Just be absolutely sure on the placement. You don't want to resent something that means a lot to you.

    And btw your friend is being a hater.

    Sincerly, a girl with three neck & one hand tattoo :)
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