appetite suppressant, or something.

I need something I do great with food in the morning g and good for lunch as well. But I absolutely lose it between lunch and dinner and I'm the type of person once I eat something bad I lose it all and let the rest of the day go to hell. I do still log and I realize I eat about 1500 calories OVER my allowance. That's bad. Is there anything I can take or do differently to get me through lunch time until dinner?


  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited May 2015
    No there's nothing that you can take that will really make that much of an effect on your appetite. Open your diary please, that may help us to see what the issue is instead of just guessing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Occupy yourself with something physical (walking outside for instance) rather than just waiting to eat something. Also, if you can't handle "bad" stuff in your house, then it's probably a good idea not to have it in your house. Choose a better option.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • annavalente
    annavalente Posts: 119 Member
    Will power
  • Miababy24
    Miababy24 Posts: 2 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Occupy yourself with something physical (walking outside for instance) rather than just waiting to eat something. Also, if you can't handle "bad" stuff in your house, then it's probably a good idea not to have it in your house. Choose a better option.

    yes I completely agree. But I live in a house with my daughter my mom and her husband. He loves his treats he doesn't like to have to hide them for me. Plus I'm the type if I'm wanting something bad enough I will drive to the store and get it

    That'd true usually when I'm busy I don't get hungry
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Will power

    ^ This, and pre-plan your meals, and don’t under-eat for the first part of the day if it causes you to be so hungry by dinner-time that you have difficulty staying on track.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Pre-log and allow for a reasonable snack between lunch and dinner. If it helps, pack the snack and go out of the house or on a walk or something, where you won't be tempted to raid the pantry.

    Stay consistent, and eventually the habit to want to binge later in the day will subside enough to keep it under control.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    You might do well with pre-planning your day and eating several meals (like 5-6 a day). You know you will want to eat mid-afternoon, so plan a satisfying snack for that time.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Pre-log and allow for a reasonable snack between lunch and dinner. If it helps, pack the snack and go out of the house or on a walk or something, where you won't be tempted to raid the pantry.

    Stay consistent, and eventually the habit to want to binge later in the day will subside enough to keep it under control.

    This! When it's pre planned, it's easier for some to stick with the plan. And keeping busy will help you not eat out of the plan. When I'm running around,I don't even think about extra snacking
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    edited May 2015
    See below, double post, sorry
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    I used to have this issue, craving for carbs in the evening. Just pull through it, have a piece of fruit. I'm happy to report it goes away.
    Give yourself time to adjust. I was struggling for two weeks, but not anymore I hope it's gone for good :)
    I also like to browse success stories when I'm craving (but not hungry). Things get in focus when seeing other people's results.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I would plan a mid-afternoon meal. Also, if you generally eat a small breakfast, medium sized lunch and dinner is your largest meal of the day, turn that around. Have a substantial breakfast and medium lunch. You may find the increased calories earlier in the day help you feel more satisfied later in the day.

    What are you eating each day? Can you bulk up your food with extra vegetables?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I eat a small snack before I leave work to curb the hunger. Good appetite suppressants might be water, carrot sticks, and leafy greens. Tell yourself that these foods are unlimited. Have a bowl of veggies available in the house for after work.

    At dinner, practice slow and mindful eating. Let's see if you can double the time it takes you to finish it. I've used chopsticks for instance.

    Have something in your hands in the evening to fiddle with (mind out of the gutter now) like a pencil, remote, water bottle or rubber band to break the old habit.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I find I have to eat less during the day... Sometimes I have to get to dinner with only 400 calories to account for during the day.... But then I can eat 1000 calories for dinner and be fine.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I have a treat of some peanut or almond butter or some mhp protein pudding. Take a look at your macros and food choices. Add more healthy fat, protein and fiber may be enough to dull those cravings enough for you to resist.

    Some of it is mental. You have to get out of that mindset of snacking at night--for many people, it's a habit, not something they do out of hunger.