7 Days All Inclusive Holiday! :)

SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
Hi everyone,

Tomorrow my husband and 2 kids are off abroad on holiday for a week all inclusive! I have been logging to maintain for over 100 days and been to weddings, had a birthday, had cheat meals etc and managed to maintain my weight within about 3/4 lbs - but I'm curious how much weight I'll put on when I come back! I'm not going to binge and booze all week, but I'm going to enjoy myself whilst being mindful of what I'm eating. This app has taught me it's a LIFESTYLE change and this means not gain/loss cycles for the rest of my life! I'm not going to stress if I'm up a few pounds when I'm home, I know I can still enjoy life and not punish myself for being 'bad', I don't believe in 'bad' foods anymore!! It's a good feeling! I'm thankful for what these forums have helped me to realise, so thank you!


  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    Wow almost 1000 days on MFP that deserves a high five! Yes I like that attitude, a week is nothing in the scheme of things, it's the other 51 weeks of the year that make a difference. We are going to Marmaris in Turkey!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I recently went on a 5 day all-inclusive and gained 5lbs. Didn't go crazy, but did eat and drink whatever I felt like. Most of it was water weight, and within the next 2 weeks I was back on track with my loss. I actually was looking forward to eating less when I got back!

    You have a good attitude about this - have fun! I love Turkey (got engaged on holiday there many years ago!)
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I went on an AI holiday,in March and I was trying to lose. At the resort, I was vigilant about increasing the duration and intensity of my workouts every single day. I logged all food and drinks, even as I saw the horrible red negative numbers. I also tried to make calorie-reasonable choices that I've incorporated into my life (e.g. no sugary drinks, having one or two lucious bites of a really calorie-laden treat rather than two servings, starting meals with raw veg, etc). I also did as many active activities as possible, such as snorkelling, dance classes, etc. While I didn't lose weight during that trip, I didn't gain anything unusual. I was pretty happy, but didn't go crazy for the whole week. I don't think that I can ever lose control if I expect to maintain a normal BMI range, but that is just my philosophy.

    Tons of people will think that I'm nuts, but I really struggle to keep fit and maintain my weight in a good BMI zone. Sadly, short 50 yr-old women like me just do not have much wiggle room and I need to accept that and live with it.

    Enjoy your vacation!!