jogged 5k without stopping (first time)

Not a marathon I know, and it took me 45 minutes but I didn't stop. Been overweight since I left school 33 years ago. Even then I couldn't run more than 200 meters. I'm 49 years old and started on MFP 9 weeks ago weighing 288 pounds and now at 270. Been walking/fast walking/slow jogging almost every day building up to this mornings 5k. The reason for the post is to let people know you can build up from walking and the fat doesn't have to stop you from jogging. Good luck to you all.


  • jeaniestandard
    jeaniestandard Posts: 1 Member
    That is awesome!!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Awesome job!
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Great job.. It took me longer than 9 weeks to get to that point. But its a great accomplishment. Next you will find you want to do it a little faster. :D It is addicting, and I H A T E running... but seem to find myself doing it almost every day Go figure.
  • Gailbarrett
    Gailbarrett Posts: 4 Member
    That is truly amazing, goal is to comply a 5K without stopping also, right now I can jog about half way
  • sallymac226
    sallymac226 Posts: 8 Member
    Well done. Walking is my limit and I admire anyone who gives jogging or running a go
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Great took me longer to get to that point when I started (at 267, so I agree being seriously overweight does not mean a person can't run).

    The good news is the lighter you get, the easier running gets. And you will gradually notice you are running slightly faster, so stick with it.
  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing this, and really well done! I so badly want to run 5K but just don't believe I can do it. You've convinced me that it's possible.
  • Kerrby86
    Kerrby86 Posts: 4 Member
    That's a huge achievement, well done! Keep up the good work, running is annoying addictive :smile:
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    Amazing!!!! I've been trying to run more too but can't seem to get my ankle to heal fully.. Anyway congratulations on your accomplishment - it is truly inspirational!