
So I was always the fat kid at school, and absolutely hated sport. I was out of PE for 3 years between ages 12-15 because of an ankle injury, so I haven't really exercised properly since I was 11.
I started the C25K program a few days ago... Week 1 day 1 was horrible, and I almost gave up after the 4th (of 8) set of 1 minute runs. I was shattered afterwards and was wheezing for hours... Did day 2 yesterday and I actually enjoyed it! Felt comfortable afterwards, went for a walk, no wheezing, able to function totally normal. Is it normal to notice such a difference so quickly? Don't think there was any difference in pace or anything (worked out that each minute was about 160 steps :tongue: )
Day 3 tomorrow, will be interesting to see how it goes...


  • fgleiser
    fgleiser Posts: 16 Member
    That's the greatest thing about c25k. The first day of every week is hard but doable. You'll see the third day feels easy, even if it's the same as day one.

    I started c25k 2 years ago. I went from doing very little exercise (a bike ride on sunday mornings and nothing more) to run 60 minutes straight in less than 6 months.

  • StellaJervis
    StellaJervis Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm starting the c25k program too!! Excited. That's actually why I signed up for Fitness Pal, to find a running buddy. I'm so glad I found you! I'm doing it solo, so it's super hard. Every single website I have found says to find a running buddy, but honestly I just give up. I have tried to find so many running buddies, and they just let me down. So! I'm doing it on my own. This is Day 3 for me. Part of it is just getting out there. I actually enjoy running (okay, running then walking) but the motivation sometimes isn't there. That's why I love the idea of having a buddy. I also struggle with the excuse monster, like, what music should I listen to, what to do when your blasted headphones fall out? And then there is the scary idea of injury (I must always, ALWAYS) remember to stretch before and afterwards. I like to do the Blogilates cardio warmup before I begin, and then whatever stretches I feel like afterwards... usually to a youtube video. And finally, there are other people pooping on my efforts. Some say I'm running too slow, others say this, and that, and blah, blah, blah. I can't find a buddy, but sometimes it feels like I can't even find a break! So, it just helps to write it all down and then, go!

    I'm going to record my results here to keep me accountable. 93gemmac, how are you doing?
  • 93gemmac
    93gemmac Posts: 8 Member
    @fgleiser that's good to hear, thanks :) And well done on the progress!
    @StellaJervis ah, the excuse monster... I have to admit, this is my 3rd attempt at trying C25K and I'm already doing better than the previous attempts so fingers crossed! Try not to listen to other people... Just listen to your body. If it hurts a lot, stop. If you don't push at all I guess you don't see results, but at the same time, if you push too much you'll hate it and give up. I'm doing this alone too- my dad and brother are both runners, and my dad is actually an ultrarunner (doesn't enter races shorter than marathons... did a 50 miler a few weeks back) so they'd just laugh if I said that I did a grand total of 8 minutes running, broken up by walking!
    Keep going :) I WILL do day 3 tomorrow!
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    I completed the C25K when I first began my weight loss journey. It was the toughest every time you started a new week, but it gives you the proper intervals and rests to properly train you to become more tolerable. I would get terrible shin splints at first, but after about 3 weeks they went away entirely. I finished that program and moved on to the C210K program and completed that one as well. I was always the kid in PE who couldn't run the mile in high school, but now I'm able to run 5-6 miles with minimal effort (pace of 9 minute per mile). It's truly amazing what your body can endure and how it changes when you push it, go for it and give it your all and you'll see amazing results and surprise yourself!

    PS, take the rest days that it suggests.
    I felt eager some days and decided to try for an extra run and would start to cramp up or feel joint pains from not getting enough rest. The program is very well designed and works better if you follow it as it is.

  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Keep at it! I'm on week 5. It gets harder yet easier (if that makes any sense).