What's up with coffee??

icramirez Posts: 40
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Is coffee good or bad?? I've heard from yes to no and everything in between. I drink a lot and have only started drinking a lot these past few months. I'm now addicted to it! Should I drink decaffeinated or just cut way down???


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Here's my view on coffee:

    I used to drink a TON of regular Mt Dew. I switched to coffee so I could still get my caffeine without everything else that comes with pop. I figure of the two - coffee is the lesser of the two evils (even with my creamer in it). I wouldn't worry if you like it. I do limit myself to two 8oz cups a day though.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    In my opinion, I think a cup or so a day isn't bad. What is bad is when you: A) Drink a lot a day B) add tons of milk, sugar ,creamer to it. If you drink it black or with a little splash of cream or milk, and drink it in moderation, it's not that bad. I drink coffee with a splash of milk a couple of times a week, and occasionally I'll have an small iced mocha with skim milk as a treat.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Caffeine is a drug. It causes increased adrenaline and a spike in blood pressure. It's great for waking up now and then, but drinking too much on a daily basis will cause a reliance on caffeine. It will stop waking you up, but it will continue to cause an adrenaline spike.

    I don't know much more than that biologically. All I know is that coffee makes me feel sick, but I'm addicted anyways.

    Switch to decaf or caffeinated tea instead. When you're able to cut down your consumption, you can have one or two cups a day safely.
  • gpjuicy69
    gpjuicy69 Posts: 20
    I'm a coffee addict so I think a cup or two a day is fine, just don't load in a ton of cream or sugar that's where the calories add up.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I say moderation. Obviously, what the others said about not loading it down with cream and sugar. I do add creamer, but if a cup of coffee with 30-70 cals of sweetner keeps me from downing a bag of chocolate chips then I'll take it. I also can get a lot more chores done and have energy to hit the gym if I drink a cup or two a day. The only thing I read that I am not sure about is . . .don't drink it within an hour of exercise or it somehow lessens the benefits of your exercise. I don't drink it then because I don't want to risk it.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I drink a cup of coffee everyday. I am now adding instant prepackaged coffee to my chocolate Shakeology drink. It's a very healthy iced mocha. There is no need to cut out coffee just don't over do it. Do you really need a venti or can a tall be sufficient? Sip it slowly and make it last.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    Coffee is a stimulant and yes, your body gets used to having it. Cutting back is always a good idea, but you have to do it slowly or you'll get wicked headaches. I switched to decaf years ago and did it cold turkey. Bad idea -- awful headache for 2 weeks. But I'm still on the decaf 'cuz I like the warmth and the smell. I just put a touch of sugar in mine. You can cut a cup a day out, or slowly replace caffeinated with decaf, changing the amounts each day.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I like the taste of coffee and all the variations (dunkin donuts, starbucks...) but I barely drink it anymore. I do however take an energy drink before my workout. Caffeine has been proven to be a great supplement before exercise. (I have a book with facts)
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    My former cardiologist, who is also a close friend, recommends: not more than 1-2 cups (8 oz cup size) of caffeine containing drinks per day.

    What caffeine is: it's a stimulant DRUG and is addicting
    What it does: it accelerates the heart rate and over stimulates the nerves in the body thereby producing a heavier workload on the heart.

    Suggestion: moderation is the key factor with the intake of any caffeine containing product but the body functions better without it.

    The choices are yours.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I drink about four cups of coffee a day. Sometimes as much as eight. I drink it black with some splenda and only when I'm at work. It is an excellent appetite suppressant. The first four cups get me through to lunch time, the second batch is just if I'm having trouble not snacking. Yes too much caffeine can be bad but... I'm not going to give up everything at once. I recently quit smoking to start exercising... Lesser of two evils. I don't see me ever giving up coffee, but I'll lighten up how much I drink in a few months.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I used to have 2 cups of coffee for breakfast and that was it. Now I'll have a cup with a low calorie/low sodium creamer. Coffee will actually boost your metabolism. When I first started MFP, I cut out coffee cold turkey and I got these really bad headaches. It eventually went away after taking some Excedrine, but I can't start my day without cup ;) I drink Folgers half caff coffee..regular coffee doesn't do well with me anymore.
  • icramirez
    icramirez Posts: 40
    Sounds like cutting down on the cups is the best way to go. I currently drink about four cups max. on any given day. I will definitely not quit cold turkey because coffee is just too delicious. I think I'll try the decaf see if it tastes the same, hopefully I won't want to drink even more.
  • cbenj09
    cbenj09 Posts: 21 Member
    I know how you feel. Try green tea. Due to my coffee addiction (and subsequent heartburn, and other crazy stomach issues, I assume is b/c of drinking so much coffee) I recently switched to a green tea/chai mix and LOVE it!! I mix it with a little almond milk for that "coffee creamer" feel and it does the trick! Green tea does not have as much caffeine as coffee, but you may be able to figure out if it's truly the caffeine or the taste you're addicted to. Good luck!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Coffee is a vice...but a very mild one. Some studies say good, some say bad...its probably a toss up based on the person and how much. But keep an eye on it, and as others have said, put a limit on how many cups a day, or drink from smaller cups...I refuse to drink coffee from those jumbo mugs/cups! Did you all know starbucks has an unadvertised 'short' if you ask for it? Even smaller than a tall...

    Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. You're making so many changes, and you're not going to drop dead any time soon from a couple of extra cups of coffee. One day, when you feel like perfecting yourself even more, you can reconsider. But if its not making you nervous or keeping you awake at night, I wouldn't worry about it. Relax...well, as much as you can, with all that coffee.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    I have a cup every morning with flavored creamer. Comes out to 82 calories total and is worked into my calorie budget. I used to drink 3 cream/3 sugar xlarge coffees all day, as well as super huge white mochas from starbucks with lots of whipped cream.

    I've given up a lot, but coffee is here to stay. 82 calories for a sane mama at 6am is more than worth it to my family.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    not sure if its bad or not? but I cant seem to start my day without it lol
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    I used to drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day at work, and often a cola as well. Then about six months ago, I realized that I was having a really hard time focusing and I was a nervous wreck all the time. Thought maybe my meds (anti-depressants) weren't working at first, then thought, hey, maybe I should cut back the caffeine. Went cold turkey, got killer headaches for a few weeks, but started feeling like I was in control again, so obviously something worked. I just started chugging a 16 oz. glass of water every time I wanted coffee, and the headaches cleared up too.

    I only drink coffee at my mom's house now, maybe once every few weeks, and I notice a HUGE difference in how I feel. I swear I was more tired all the time when I was drinking coffee a lot than I have been since. Maybe I'm getting more restful sleep now.

    That's my coffee story. LOL Make of it what you will!
  • icramirez
    icramirez Posts: 40
    Yeah I'm starting to think it's the caffeine part that is the bad part of coffee, as well as in teas. It makes me fidgety!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Like most things, it's best in moderation. It has anti-oxidants, so a cup or two a day may actually have some benefit. Of course, adding a bunch of sweetener and milk really isn't good, but black coffee isn't for everyone.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    coffee has been linked to lowering the effects or preventing alzheimers.

    ps..halo sucks..call of duty rules haha
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