Any Female Friends Out There?

I have been struggling with weight loss for a really long time & I want more than anything to be able to commit for once, for the sake of my career & my happiness. I'm hoping I can make some female friends here because they're the ones most likely to inspire me to keep trying everyday :) I hope I become friends with a lot of great people here !


  • BrendaB234
    BrendaB234 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm a female haha. My name is Brenda. I too have struggled on and off throughout my life with with my weight. I'm looking to lose around 35 lbs, what are your goals? What kinds of exercise do you like to do?
  • mrstrsims1
    mrstrsims1 Posts: 14 Member
    Nice to meet you! I have counted carbs and points and I've lost and gained. I am counting calories this time and determined. We can do this!!
  • mrstrsims1
    mrstrsims1 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Brenda!! Nice to meet you too! I love Zumba and the elliptical! I have 50+ to loose.
  • jfargie
    jfargie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I could use the motivation also! I am looking to lose at least 35lbs! I always fall off the wagon but really want to commit to it all this time
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! Any of you lovely ladies are welcome to add me. Weight loss, lifestyle changes,....It's a daily struggle, but we're strong. :)
  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey and welcome!! I'm trying to get to 150-160 and I'm stuck at 230!! All of us can do this!
  • dozensofthreads
    dozensofthreads Posts: 139 Member
    I'm at 322.4 and my goal is 140 -- that's a lot of work!! But I've lost so much since I started, and I know you can too!! Hang in there sister!
  • judy49650
    judy49650 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Good luck with your commitments I am sure you can do it. I should just decide to be happy now though! You can add me as a friend. I have about 13 kilos to loose, I do quite a bit of exercise and have an active life style but am afraid its the lovely French wine that lets me down!
  • kckrahn
    kckrahn Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • justpeachypink
    justpeachypink Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm also in need of more female friends to help motivate and support each other!

    Any and all of you lovely ladies are welcome to add me!
    My current weight loss goal is around 60-70 lbs. I lost about 30 lbs (most of which happened naturally as I spent the past year living in Japan..different types of foods, etc), but I stopped losing weight about 6 months ago, and then I had a VERY lazy winter. So I'm now actively trying to lose weight and get healthy. :)
  • missespaige
    missespaige Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, missespaige here! I'm trying to lose 25-30lbs. Lost about 7 so far. Recently discovered yoga and I can already feel my body getting stronger, whoo! Add me and we'll encourage each other!(: