If you're new here please leave a comment so other people can add you(also add me amazingpaularcher)



  • rj0813
    rj0813 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello hello, been tracking on MFP for about 5 days. I lost 80 pounds a few years ago and kept it off. I didn't have a definite goal in mind, just wanted to feel and look better - which I definitely did! Now I'd like to work at it again and go from "better than before" to "ideal". I'm more focused on body composition than the number on the scale; I don't just want to be a smaller version of my wobbly self. Looking to drop 8-10% BF. Lifting 2x/week, cardio 5x week, cleaning up the diet (and making sure to still eat enough!), cutting back alcohol, and trying to get enough sleep.

    Feel free to add me! My diaries are open to hold me accountable, and seeing other folks' progress is motivating.
  • joelschendel
    joelschendel Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone, looking for more friends to help motivate one another. I keep an open diary and try my best to log everything each day.
  • Firecracker_
    Firecracker_ Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all. I've been on this journey now for almost a year. I have lost 66 pounds
    and have about 30 more pounds to go. Would love to meet new friends to help along the way so feel free to add me:-)
  • JVanDillen
    JVanDillen Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I'm Jason and feel free to add me!
  • mrstrsims1
    mrstrsims1 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I'm Tonya. I am new to MFP and I just started tracking today. I have 50+ lbs to loose and I'm determined to suceed!! Going to track calories and Zumba my way to my goal!! Please add me!!
  • EuklineBayid
    EuklineBayid Posts: 2 Member
    This type of thread has been created before but I wanted to revamp it for newbies or just people who want to share their goals with the world. More friends to check your progress here will mean that you will feel more compelled to follow your plan, so let's do it together!

  • Marcy411
    Marcy411 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Marcy. I am a newbie to this whole thing. I started MFP on March 29th of this year. I've only lost 24lbs so far, but am hoping that is good. I've got a very long way to go. My motivation though is when I see myself in the mirror. So whenever I think of giving up, I just look in the mirror and that spurs me to keep moving. To this point I've been on this journey alone, but the MFP app keeps telling me that people lose more weight when they have friends. So I thought I would reach out and hopefully find some friends. Apologies for rambling, but I'm a bit nervous. I'll stop now. Well that's my story.
  • JTB51
    JTB51 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi my name is Jason, lost 30lbs by tweaking my diet and uaing P90X, looking to meet new people to help me past the plateau that I seemed to have hit. Fell free to add me
  • amb8505
    amb8505 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Alicia. Been on my fitness pal for a cpl weeks and already seeing the pounds come off. I don't how to add anyone so help please lol
  • werryd39
    werryd39 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm werry39 and learning a lot about making every bit count. My goals are to have 6 balanced mini meals which seems to be coming along ok. However I am desperate for a daily workout schedule.

  • mrsjstone01
    mrsjstone01 Posts: 10 Member
    ADD ME!!!! Looking for friends for motivation and inspiration!
  • meghanttu08
    meghanttu08 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey y'all :) My name is Meghan. Feel free to add me :)
  • zachduden
    zachduden Posts: 264 Member
    Add me! @zachduden ;)
  • jessa1987
    jessa1987 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Jess feel free to add me
  • pianojam14
    pianojam14 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! I've been doing Keto since April 6th and lost 23 lbs. Still a long way to go!
  • dominicyu
    dominicyu Posts: 14 Member
    Sup I'm Dom! Add me bruhs need to cut down to 181s
  • brazcub
    brazcub Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I'm Tiago. Add me.
  • missespaige
    missespaige Posts: 2 Member
    Missespaige here! Add me and we'll encourage each other!(:
  • nicolerosedean97
    nicolerosedean97 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm nicole and I have recently started my weightloss journey, add me for inspiration, you inspire me beautiful people :smiley:
  • LiftForRevenge
    LiftForRevenge Posts: 19 Member
    hi im new here and I want to be your friend. lets be inspirational