A Mummy returns

suzmedder Posts: 49 Member
Hi Everyone,
I still have some of the friends from my last stint here on myfitnesspal and hope to gain more as I return.

As the title suggests, my year away has seen my life change in the most amazing way, I became a Mummy, which I am absolutely loving, my little girl (and hubby) are my world!!

Megan Lily is now 10 weeks old and I feel ready and in control enough to start tracking and doing some exercise which I have missed, I was tired and pretty big during pregnancy which made anything other than walking a major effort! I have a stone to lose and lots of shaping up to do to get back to where I was, the going will be slow with long walks and possibly dvds etc at home, until I go back to work and join a gym and go on my lunch hours!!

I found the community support and encouragement on here invaluable and hope to get that again.

Wish me luck


  • amermummy
    amermummy Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a Mum trying to lose too - add me if you would like some extra support. My kids are a bit older though - really missing the baby stage! xx