Returning to finish off the job! UK based

EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
Hi everyone. I'm back to MFP after losing a lot of weight on weight watchers over the last few years. Got to the point where WW wasn't working for me very well when I really upped my exercise. I would love to find some new friends on here that like their fitness so please add me if that's you :p

July 2012 weight 120kg (18st 12lbs)
May 2015 weight 76.3kg (12st)
Total loss: 43.7kg (6st 12lbs or 96lbs) so far

Favourite exercise - spin classes, gym/weights/kettlebells, walking in the countryside, swimming


  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Good job; keep up the good work! Don't forget the weights; it will help increase your metabolism, help maintain your bone and muscle mass (very important as you age).
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    I'm in the process of rejigging my fitness regime as I'm stalled weight wise. I'm very active, I pole 5-6 days a week, walk about 5km a day, and starting a heavy lifting programme next week to try kickstart my loss.
  • rachelbairdhall
    rachelbairdhall Posts: 7 Member
    Epic work! I'm in the process of training for a marathon and it can be easy to let my nutrition slide after a long run. Looking for some accountabilibuddies!
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Loving "accountabilibuddies" ;)
    I lift once a week but I didn't want to do more than that because I get quite sore when I do those workouts. Perhaps I just need to manage it better and make sure I'm careful with what workouts I do in between.
    1mum - good luck with the heavy lifting and let us know how you get along with it!
    Rachel - that marathon training sounds like hard work but I'm sure its very rewarding - looking forward to being inspired by your posts!
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    When you say sore, do you mean your muscles or your joints? Are you being mentored or supported in a gym to make sure your form etc is ok?
  • amermummy
    amermummy Posts: 12 Member
    Wow - you have done so well! I lost 3st with WW too and have maintained using MFP and Fitbit for about 3 years now - still a stubborn few pounds to get to where I want to be though! Add me if you would like some support - my food diary is open to friends so you can keep me accountable! :)
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Muscle soreness 1mum which I think is within normal limits. I just don't like being sore because it seems to impact my ability to work out on subsequent days. I know my form is OK because I used to have a personal trainer so I've been taught how to lift properly, but I can't afford one now so sometimes I'm not sure how heavy I should be lifting (and how quickly I should be increasing the weights). For the moment, I just do what I can comfortably lift.
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    Yes it would be. Just keep lifting what feels right to you.