Need to loose my baby weight

Hey I'm Sarah from England. I have a eight month little boy. I really want to loose my baby weight and to get to get back into my size 12 clothes. I need to loose two stone. Have you lovely people got any tips or advice to help me achieve this.
Thankyou in advance x


  • suzmedder
    suzmedder Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there,
    I have just rejoined, I have a 10 week old and have a stone to stone and a half to lose, will add you and we can work on this together.

    Not sure how much exercise I'll be able to fit in but hoping to get my eating habits sorted out
  • tazzamac
    tazzamac Posts: 10 Member
    Me three! I have a 4 month old daughter and 19 month old son. Would love to get back to pre baby weight.
  • srichardson123
    srichardson123 Posts: 3 Member
    Can't believe I put on three stone. Two stone to go! Then I will be happy xx
  • missmckie
    missmckie Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, my youngest is 5 months old, and i have managed to loose a stone in 6 weeks, iv been mostly eating meat and veggies (low carb diet) cut out all fizzy juice, sugary treats etc and i have been taking maxitones sculptress shakes twice a day. Exercise wise, i have been doing some pilates videos off of you tube, 100 squats a day, a walk with my 2 boys in the pram for about half another, sit ups and the running on the wii fit. I hope this helps and good luck :) sarah from scotland ☺ x
  • missmckie
    missmckie Posts: 9 Member
    *about half an hour