Friends like me....?

hey.. So my feed is a little lonely.. Looking for people in the same boat as me.. Work full time, commuting, school, significant other time, trying to fit in solid workouts!

I'm 27 and looking for some female friends.. Trying to tone and loose about 10 more lbs.
Just started the Jamie Eason's 12 wk Livefit strength program.. Trying to eat as clean as possible...

Anyone else lifting?

Friend me :)


  • AcesMomma
    AcesMomma Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I just turned 28, married, mother of an almost 3 year old boy, work full-time, starting school in October and I'm also in the military. I am on week 2 day 2 of the Live Fit program :)

    Your post is about a month old now, how do you like the LiveFit program?
  • ShapingTheLaw
    ShapingTheLaw Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. I just completed Livefit three times in the past 9-10 months. I lost over 25 lbs. I highly recommend it. I saw results and I'm a lot older than you ladies.