help me with this plan

bosanka Posts: 336 Member
I'm not new to this- this is one of my many attempts to " falling and picking myself back up "

I can't fail if i don't quit- so i'm not quitting- i fell .. now i want to go back up. Please help me figue out this

How /where can i find a plan that is " idiot's guide " fail- safe ? simple and easy to follow. Let's say i want a
40 % protein 40 % carbs and 20 % fat - plan

This is what i want to achieve .

10 weeks - 20 lbs ( reasonable since i i'm at 248. 6 now ) so i have quiete a few lbs to lose and should be easier to come of..

I'm working out on a regular basis- that is not my problem - the problem is in the food.

Talking to busy moms out there - how do you stay on top of your plan - with children and everything else going on. Kids will be out of school now - meanig even less routine then usual.

I know that it can be done- i have the motivation again .. i don't want to give up - again.. because i couldn't handle staying focused, and preparing the meals.

Do you have tips that work for you - something that helps you staying " focused " even with the busy schedule ?

do you have a " meal plan ? " .. is it public ? can you share it here with me ?

Any tips would be appreciated . I have tried this many times- i want to succeed in this..

mother of 3 - teangers- lots of stress and other stuff that comes with " 3 -treens in the house
emotional eater ..- many years bolimic .. ( have stopped it but do have the tendency to go back to it, esp. when i'm trying to be " good " ? .. )
Looking for tips, advice, help, support, - active friends with similar issues .. but even if you don't have similar things going on- and battle the " weight loss war " - and want to help me - please add me to your friends list..

at it .. again..


  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I'm a very busy mom, I have two special needs children and I'm a traveling RN. I know all about finding time to eat healthy..
    I keep things on me all the time like protein bars, packets of gatorade, I'll package up in snack ziploc bags things like a serving of raw veggies, nuts, fruit, etc. I stash this stuff in my purse, my running bag, my glove box or console of my car so I always have something healthy to grab when I'm hungry and on the go (which is all the time). It keeps me out of the drive through and keeps me from being so hungry that I binge out when I do get home.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i"m counting carbs the dr atkins diet but at your size you could do about 1800 cals drop when you reach 195 you drop to 1600 and than when you get to 150 you drop to 1200 cal that what they did at tops i loved that diet but my appetite is way out of control. for a low calorie diet right now so the high protein low carbs fill me up better right now
  • LadyScarlett77
    You are exercising so that is half the battle. Give yourself a pat on the back for that!

    Ok, so I'm not an expert but can definitely sympathize with you. I'm a mom of 3 year old twins, and I'm home all day with them. They keep me moving, but I have to watch what I eat. So my strategy is to eat a "clean" breakfast and lunch. Our big meal of the day is dinner so if I cook something for everyone I'm obviously going to eat it so I leave myself wiggle room with some extra calories. I know a lot of people on here eat snacks throughout the day, but I try to save those for later (just in case). I can control breakfast and lunch so what I "try" to do is make sure that I eat some kind of protein and two serving of veggies at each meal. I usually add a carb because it's easier to make most meals with them. Ex. Breakfast might be two egg whites, sauteed spinach, mushrooms and green onion omelette and whatever fruit I give the girls. Sometimes its oatmeal with peanut butter and banana in it (might not sound appetizing to everyone but let me tell you it fills you up). Lunch is sandwich thins or flatout wrap with chicken (deli), light laughing cow swiss cheese spread (instead of mayo, and I LOVE mayo) add spinach as my veggie and sometimes bell pepper or tomato. On the side I'll have hummus with raw veggies. For dinner I always cook at least two veggies, even if I'm the only one eating them. If we are giving the kids pizza and I REALLY want it I eat it, but usually try to have some kind of backup plan for myself. I like to control my food, and have had to let go of this some. You can't always control the food around you. It's ok to mess up, cause we all do, but whats most important is that you get back up the next day and try again.

    My motivation is my kids. I want to be here for them forever, so I'm doing this now. If I don't I'll die. Period. I'm over 300 pounds and have a long way to go. I know that if I can do it you can too!

    Keep your head up, Girlfriend! You can do this... the healthy way. Feel free to look at my diary. You'll see it's not by any means perfect (especially with the almost 2 week vacation I've had recently), but I find looking at other's diary really gives me great ideas, and also makes me feel better. We are not all perfect, and we all make mistakes. Like you said before, as long as you get back up when you fall you haven't failed.

    Much love and support.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Thank you all for the tips and advice so far .. it's easier to see" others strugge too .. and i'm not alone in this fight

    April- i have twins - boys.. and they are almost 13 .. and giving me a headache every single day ( i miss the diaper days _ i never thought i would say this , but i miss the " diaper issues " far easier than the headaches they give me now :(
    A lot of my stress comes from them - i'm what i would consider a strict parent with strict rules and values - moral values - so far i have raised my kids the way i think is right and kept them away from things i think are not appropriate etc.. but now they start thinking on their own and peer presure - girls ?!?! ugh.. not ready for this .. than a lot of copetition betw. the twins ?? each one wants to be an individual - but than it's hard to have an individuality of your own when y ou are a twin - so they try so much to " out-do " the other and be different by any means.. good or bad.. just to be different ..
    in other words- just a lot of stress and headaches - and in between all that i have a 11 year old girl .. that has some issues with her weight ( i feel responsible for that )

    Forgot to metion - one of the twins was always bigger ( weigh wise ) than the other.. at birth oly 0,50 gm difference .. but by age of 12 about 20 lbs difference. Something happened beggining of 2011 - mid january - this other twin decided to change that /lose weight - ( i wasn't aware of this ) In jan. he was 132 lbs.. by april he was 95-97 lbs ! so now he is 10 lbs lighter than the " skinny twin " .. see - this competition is so tough .. its scarying me .. stressing me out
    when he was over weight and had self esteem issues i felt responsible for that.. it was " my fault "
    now when he is almost anorexic - i feel responsible again ..

    i realize a lot of my weight issues are " stress related " .. i either get so upset and emoional i skip meals- or i eat so much to " sedate " myself ..
    discipline and other things cause arguments betw. us -husband and i - so there is another " stress factor " added to all of that..

    i'm aware that i'm not the only one with this problems- but somehow it hit me hard- and all of a sudden.. just 6 months ago i had " 3 kids " now i have 3 aliens in my house .. i'm scared to fail as a parent, ... all this things contribute to my lack of focus.. sometimes i feel " silly " to think about my " calories in and out "while my children h ave other problems and i have marital arguments because of them .. i feel " selfish " to concentrate on my weight now .. i know my weight is important, my health is important but it's hard to quite this voices in my head .. that tell me " concentrate on bigger issues " .. you have to do more for the kids.. you don't have time for that now..

    i guess i'm " venting " here more than asking for an advice ? ..i need to get this out .. i need help to stay focused and not feel guilty and selfis about it.. how do i do that ..
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its healthy foods.

    whole grains, healthy fats, plenty of veggies..lay off the meat. low fat milk/cheese, eggs without yolks etc.
  • MerryKhaos
    MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, I dont have kids, but we are all busy so here are some tips to think about:

    -What colors do you eat? If you notice its a lot of brown, remedy it. The more colors you eat, the better!

    -don't think of it as a meal plan, it's a lifestyle change! I have learned to LOVE brocolli, I simply cannot wau fast food anymore. I would rather grab a chobani and a banana

    -Don't think that your kids can't be included in your new eating habits. Include them! They need to be healthy too. If they see you like it, they will follow.

    -Buy $10 Nalgene water bottle. Drink 2 a day.

    -Throw out the pre-processed crap and the unhealthy snacks! Just because you paid for them once doesn't mean they are good!

    -plan your week of meals at one time! That way you can time manage.

    Look up Jamie Olliver.. His Food Revolution series have been awesome! Healthy doesn't have to mean complicated!