10 lbs down... my start

it's not a huge difference but i could use any support or encouragement. :/ i dont see any difference when i look in the mirror but then i saw these photos and it really surprised me.



  • ContinuousEffort
    There is a big difference. You're waist looks much more tone and slender!!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Your stomach looks smaller and toned. Keep it up! :]
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    There's a huge difference! Stomach, arms, waist, legs... everything looks so good! Keep up the great work! :)
  • Blakemore1229
    can really see a difference you are doing a great job!! keep up the great work
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Wow, i didnt notice that 10 lbs could make such a difference! You look so toned and your waist is very defined. This is really motivating for me, because i've lost 19 now and struggle seeing a difference.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    Now if only I could get my stomach to do that :smile:

    You look great
  • o0candiii0o
    o0candiii0o Posts: 17
    thank you so much guys!

    thank Ab Ripper X for the stomach work :happy:
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    theres a massive change!!
    tummy looks super toned. =)
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    you look great! ;)
  • o0candiii0o
    o0candiii0o Posts: 17
    ((: thank you hun!
  • TropicalSeaShell
    Wow, I see a huge difference for the better! Gotta love ab ripper X....it burns sooooo good. :) Its nice to see someone else using Beach Body. I am doing Turbofire right now and have seen some greatr results. I did P90x for about 3 weeks but got kinda bored and wanted more cardio. But with turbo its sooo fun. Great program.I am in my 5th week of Turbo and have lost over 10 pounds and counting more every day...... I am planning on doing P90x after Turbofire is finished in 6 more weeks as well. But of course I still do the ARX a couple times a week too. Such a great workout. Congrats and good luck on ur journey to a bangin' body! :) c ya

  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    great job
  • misty_opal
    misty_opal Posts: 17
    candi! you look amazing. this is a bit like the transformation im aiming for! (i want to lose 10lbs and tone up) Any tips/advice on how you did it. I'm under my calorie allowance and excercise lots but I'm not seeing results. Any helps appreciated. Keep up the good work!
  • o0candiii0o
    o0candiii0o Posts: 17
    I've been getting messages so I thought I would post the message I've been sending people. :-)

    Thanks for the compliments. :) the way I lost my weight is I started to eat clean about 3 wks ago. I don't eat much that is processed aside from turkey meat (and I esp. try to stay away from those prepackaged dinner meals like lean cuisines). I eat a lot of protein and veggies/fruits and typically my biggest meal of the day is breakfast or lunch. I try to keep my dinners small and I dont eat after 6 or 7pm depending on when I go to bed. I drink lots of water and I have a couple of cups of green tea every day. It's not really as bad as it sounds. About once a week, I even go out and eat whatever I want/have drinks etc and it hasn't effected my weight loss as long as I keep it to one night a week. I get a lot of good recipes from Clean Eating magazine and their cookbook.

    p90x and running on a treadmill is really the only exercise I've done. I only started p90x like 10 days ago but I'm pretty that's why my stomach is starting to get toned... I haven't been following it exactly, but I do the plyometrics and yoga once a week, and Ab ripper X 3-4x. I try to run 5k about 3x a week and on the days in between, I try to get in like 20 minutes just so I'm at least sweating for awhile, or I might do a cardio video, like Cardio X from p90x.

    This has been long. :P hopefully this helps! I lost 10 lbs in a little over 3 weeks. This past week is when I dropped the most weight and saw the most changes and it's prob. because of p90x but clean eating is DEF. recommended. I lost so much of that tummy bloat because of it.
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