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People Looking to Lose 100+ lbs??

Hi there! I am Charity. I have been a part of MFP for about 2 and a half years now. Still on my journey. Lost 55lbs before and then gained it all back. Starting over is very overwhelming, but I KNOW I CAN DO IT! I am looking for other people on here that have similar goals as me. Looking to lose 100+lbs or people who have already dropped the weight. LETS DO THIS TOGETHER! Feel free to add me, please add a little about yourself or your goals in the message section!


  • jonest39
    jonest39 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi!! I'm starting over too! When I went to graduate school, I gained back about 50 off 100 pounds that I had lost. Now that I have graduated, I am back on track! I need the support of folks out there like me!!
  • happening5
    happening5 Posts: 63 Member
    I almost gave up on losing weight because the idea of having to lose 120 was so overwhelming. Then one day something inside me clicked. If I lose 1 pound a week I'd be 52 pounds lighter in a year and although that wasn't even 1/2 of my goal I knew I'd be so much happier 52 pounds lighter. Today, 15 months later, I'm 85 pounds lighter and so happy I didn't give up on myself.
  • craftynerdmama
    craftynerdmama Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting over too! I have 100+ pounds to lose (about 160 to get to ultimate goal, but about 125 to get to a weight I'd be happy with). I was recently told by my fertility specialist that I had to lose 70 pounds in order to get my BMI to a low enough number to start fertility treatments, and this has kicked me into high gear... again. I've lost 7.7 lbs in the past two weeks and I'm hoping this is indicative of the success to come. I'm at the highest weight I've ever been and I hatehatehate that I let it get this far. So... here I am. Feel free to add me! I could always use the extra kick in the (hopefully soon smaller) pants!

    Also, I have a wallpaper for my phone with the quote "If you're sick of starting over, stop quitting." This seems to be helping me so far. The thought of losing this weight just to have to lose it all over again makes me want to punch things. BE GONE!
  • Tuvya
    Tuvya Posts: 5 Member
    I started this journey at over 400lbs. It's only been a couple weeks since I've been at it but I've already been keeping myself under the MFP suggested calorie count every day. I've also meet and consistently exceeded my initial target of 45min of walking/swimming 5 days a week. I literally have to loose half of my weight to hit my goal. Sometimes it seems impossible, but if I want to be alive to watch my daughter grow up its time I got my *kitten* in gear and I'm determined to succeed.
  • TH0R47
    TH0R47 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for friends to help me stay on track. Add me and I will provide support and motivation. All I ask is the same in return.
    you never know who you're
    TH0R47 is my username
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Feel free to add me. Lost around 140 lbs. Have kept it off for over 6 months.
  • falulu209
    falulu209 Posts: 11 Member
    I have 200lbs to lose. Always looking for buds!
  • mamaof3jboys
    mamaof3jboys Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to MFP. I want to lose over a100 pounds and struggle every day. People around me are supportive but it's not the same when they don't share the same struggles. I just need the motivation and support and I'll do the same for you.
  • interstellarburst
    interstellarburst Posts: 3 Member
    For years I have been struggling. I started trying to lose again about 3.5 weeks ago at 403lb. I just weighed myself today at 390. By the end of this week I will be in the 380s.

    It sounds so sad to be excited about that but for the past year I have varied between 405 and 395. So to be down into the next 10s... Idk. I'm excited I guess.
  • AmandaMMeister
    AmandaMMeister Posts: 26 Member
    I also am starting over! I do really good for a few months and then if I have one bad day I just think I ruined all my hard work and give up. I know I can do this and I need to stop with all my excuses and keep it up. Here's to no longer being the reason I fail but being the reason I succeed!
  • Dazellyn
    Dazellyn Posts: 45 Member
    100+ to lose here also with more relapses than I can count but I keep trying; feel free to add! We can do this :)
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All! I am going to add you all to my friends list! I need some new motivation/friends to get my moving/grooving and for me to realize I am worth this journey!
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose and had knee surgery in December of last year...I have gained back 20 pounds of the weight I HAD lost from lack of exercise since surgery :(. Feeling VERY discouraged, not really sure how to get motivated again. I would appreciate any words of encouragement or advice to get back on the bandwagon as far as food goes...I need to take baby steps and make little changes but the WHOLE process seems so daunting right now I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it. And exercise it still out for me for a bit longer. How did everyone get going with starting over (as far a food) went. Did you make small changes? Pick one thing to focus on i.e. give up sweets? carbs? portions? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  • oldfashchic
    oldfashchic Posts: 34 Member
    i also have 100 to lose add me :)
  • kariker
    kariker Posts: 13 Member
    I need to lose 100 too. I lost 40 2 yrs ago and gained it all bad but I felt so much better even losing that amount of weight. I'm going to friend you all. I need all the help I can get.
  • interstellarburst
    interstellarburst Posts: 3 Member
    Give up as much sugar and sweeteners as possible. I still slip here and there but I pretty much don't drink coke, use sugar or splenda. If I need something sweetened I use a little bit of honey.

    Artificial sweeteners trigger the same hormonal response that produces insulin with no actual sugar. My rule these days is if there is commercial for it I probably shouldn't eat it. You wouldn't have to spend 45 seconds screaming at me to buy it if it was really good for me
    mrsgoss wrote: »
    I have about 100 pounds to lose and had knee surgery in December of last year...I have gained back 20 pounds of the weight I HAD lost from lack of exercise since surgery :(. Feeling VERY discouraged, not really sure how to get motivated again. I would appreciate any words of encouragement or advice to get back on the bandwagon as far as food goes...I need to take baby steps and make little changes but the WHOLE process seems so daunting right now I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it. And exercise it still out for me for a bit longer. How did everyone get going with starting over (as far a food) went. Did you make small changes? Pick one thing to focus on i.e. give up sweets? carbs? portions? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

  • interstellarburst
    interstellarburst Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just feeling so discouraged. I've lost 13lb in 3.5 weeks and I know that is great progress. However I see no visible difference. I know that at my size it's a drop in the bucket....
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    mrsgoss wrote: »
    I have about 100 pounds to lose and had knee surgery in December of last year...I have gained back 20 pounds of the weight I HAD lost from lack of exercise since surgery :(. Feeling VERY discouraged, not really sure how to get motivated again. I would appreciate any words of encouragement or advice to get back on the bandwagon as far as food goes...I need to take baby steps and make little changes but the WHOLE process seems so daunting right now I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it. And exercise it still out for me for a bit longer. How did everyone get going with starting over (as far a food) went. Did you make small changes? Pick one thing to focus on i.e. give up sweets? carbs? portions? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    I have almost 95 lbs to lose. I've lost a little over 24 lbs already, so still have about 70 lbs. So far the biggest thing that has helped me is calories in/calories out. You need to eat less calories than you burn in order to lose weight. I wouldn't give up on anything that you couldn't do for the rest of your life. I still eat sweets. I had an ice cream sundae a couple of days ago. As long as you stay under your calories goal, you'll see results. Track what you eat. Be as accurate as possible. Invest in a food scale if you don't have one already and measure, measure, measure.

    Try not to stress too much if you go over, it's going to happen. Get right back on track. Not tomorrow, not next week, but next meal. And move a little more. Go for a walk. Earn some extra calories with some exercise. Just be aware that MFP can over estimate calories burned, so figure about half of what MFP says is probably more accurate.

    I'm always open to new friend requests. We can always use more support :)
  • Chiema
    Chiema Posts: 13 Member
    started my journey AGAIN April 22nd. I have been very diligent with my weight loss. So far I have lost 23 lbs. I only have 130 to go...only right? It is very discouraging and seems an impossible goal but I am determined. If not for me, for my son. He is starting Kindergarten this fall and I want to be around to see him graduate, marry, and give me grandkids. Always looking for more encouragement and people to help keep me on track!