Lack of appetite - nutritionally shallow calories or none at all?

I've been experiencing low appetite. So far today (it's 2pm my time) I've only managed to get down a protein bar and a yogurt with some granola.. for a whopping total of 411 calories. I've actually been hungry today, but nothing's agreeing with me when I try to eat it (that protein bar took two sittings, and I didn't even finish the whole yogurt). So now I'm craving a frappucino from Starbucks, which I know is pretty much just sugar. Do you think it'd be better to go for it since I'm craving it or skip it and possibly eat nothing. And remember I may not even finish the frappucino if I get it. Thanks!


  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    I think if this is a normal habit, consuming such low calories, I'd get help.

    If it's one day, do what you want.

    And finally, no one's going to babysit you so you need to be able to make conscious decisions on your own regarding your health and nutrient intake. One day, no big deal. Regularly choosing to eat dangerously low calories and nutrient sparse choices can negatively impact your health if done in long term.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What is causing you to be having issues getting the food down - are you sick? It seems odd that you're hungry but can't eat, unless you're not feeling well.... Or pregnant? (idk. Just guessing!)

    Personally I'd go for whatever you think you want. If that doesn't work, perhaps try plain, bland things?
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Doesn't a Frap have milk in it? There's at least a little nutrition involved there. I think they can add protein powder now that they make smoothies too - have them add some of that in and boost it up a bit more.
  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    Yeah have them throw in some protein to the frapp when they mix it up. Or go for a smoothie with protein if you are just looking for something creamy like a frap. Some people do a mocha frap with a banana and protein. Or you can add the frap roast to a chocolate banana smoothie.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    If it's all you can get down, having some calories is probably better than none. But best of all would be finding the cause of the problem. I know for me usually stress or anxiety makes me choke on food even when I'm hungry - is there anything you need to solve or do you need to take a rest? Are you craving the frap for caffeine because you're overworked? If the problem lasts more than a couple days, it's probably best to get it evaluated. It can trigger an eating disorder (that's how mine started) or at best leave you nutritionally deficient. Best of luck!
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    The lowest for a woman is around 1200 calories. You need a minimum grams of protein, fat, and fiber (macronutrients) and vitamins (micronutrients) per day for your body to function properly. There are online calculators that will tell you how much of each you need (or you can follow what mfp is telling you).

    Read the stickies at the top of each forum. They're full of great information that will really help.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    In line with the advice upthread to do what you want if this is just a one-off vs. this being a regular thing...

    In case this is a regular thing for you OP, I'll just share my experience.

    I always have low-level nausea. I have medication for it and take it when it kicks up a few notches and gets really bad. I also have chronic migraines.

    There are many days and times that I really don't feel like eating.

    On those days, I tend to eat lightly but eat bland foods with caloric and nutrient dense bang for their buck... fruit and yogurt with sliced almonds stirred in, protein smoothies with fruit and almond or peanut butter, eggs scrambled with cottage cheese and spinach. Oatmeal and peanut butter. Protein bars.... and, at the end of the day, a small serving of gelato.

    It might take me a while to finish these things, but since this happens all of the time, I can't very well NOT eat.
  • deanspools2013
    deanspools2013 Posts: 578 Member
    I would guess some is better than none maybe it would start to build your appetite