1st week in and only lost 3/4 of a lb HELP

ladyjane Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all have been doing diet for nearly 1 week 1200 cals, upped my exercise with 2 hrs of tennis yesterday. However when i stood on the scales this morning my weight was a 3/4 of a pound less than a week ago !!!! I expected to loose maybe 4lb first week with a 2/3 lb loss after that but 3/4 lb is rubbish and im really dissapointed and fed up. Its so hard and Ive been so good why has it not been a better loss? Any one have any answers out there ??



  • gladysrutter
    gladysrutter Posts: 39 Member
    To be honest, I have only just started and I lost 5lbs on my first week and 5lbs on my second- BUT I now can't budge the scales at all!!! So it may be a good thing that you are starting out slow because maybe you will have a more consistent weightloss that I have had? Just a thought :) good luck though :)
  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    It's pretty hard for anyone to tell you what you're doing wrong or if you're doing something wrong when you don't have your diary public.
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    I would check your scale. It could possibly be broken. Ask a close family member if you can borrow their scale and weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the restroom. Also, if you are not consistent with the time of day it will effect your weight. For example if you first weighed yourself in the morning and then a week later weighed yourself before bed, it would be bad. You normally weigh the least first thing in the morning because you haven't eaten yet.
  • ladyjane
    ladyjane Posts: 3
    Have been weighing myself in the morning before i eat so that is consistant. I played tennis yesterday and i dont know if ive taken on water or muscle??? I have been loosing weight for the last few years after daughter born so i am down to the last stone and half and i just think my body is puttin up a massive fight as its sick of it dieting! Hope that next week is better or I will be pullin my hair out!!
  • thibautseeker
    thibautseeker Posts: 69 Member
    If you've been keeping within the food balance - ie within the fat, carbs, protein, sugars requirements each day then I'd consider if it could be hormone changes? Possibility of water retention?

    Also depends on how much exercise you do - have you been doing anything that might have built muscle?

    I think for women particularly a monthly weigh in is a much better picture on how you are doing as we do have weight fluctuations due to hormone changes so it can be disheartening when you think you've been so good only to lose half a pound or nothing at all.
  • dsreilly
    dsreilly Posts: 47 Member
    I've put on weight due to body holding onto the fat, because i wernt eating enough, up your calories by 100 or so, (a large apple) Hopefully that will make a difference, i put on 2 1/2 lb, but lost it in past 3 days (and i had an all you can eat chinese buffet, with 2 desserts) Give it a go. Make sure you eat at least half of your exercise calories!!!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    What's wrong with 3/4lb per week? That's 3+ lbs per month and if you really only want to lose 21lbs total as you say, then you will be there in 7 months which is nothing. Besides you are probably confusing your body if you have changed things recently so give it time to adapt. There are some people who would kill for regular steady loss so just take what you've got and be happy with it. More than 2lb per week, especially when you are some way towards your final goal, is unhealthy and unsustainable for many people.
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    it could be a number of factors, just be patient!

    I didnt lose anything in the first 2 weeks! But now ive lost 9lbs in the last 4! Everyone is different, your body might take longer adjusting to the dramatic change in food and exercise. Try taking measurements as well, weight isnt everything! I have noticed a dramatic difference in my stomach over the past week, but the scale says I havent lost a pound so far.

    Would you rather be SMALLER or be LIGHTER?

  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    If you are close to your goal you need to be eating more than 1200 calories. Your body will start giving up the fat again when you feed it more so it does not think it has to hold on to it for a famine that might possibly be coming.

    Other than that without seeing your diary I really do not know what might be going on. Try not to get too frustrated usually water weight is the big culprit for a scale that won't budge too.
  • You need to make sure that you weigh yourself at the same time everyday under the same conditions. Example: when you first wake up, before you eat and with no clothes on at all. The food you eat has a weight even if you just ate it and your clothes can vary by as much as a couple of pounds. If you first weighed yourself before you took your morning shower, before you ate and with nothing on you might weigh ( lets just use 150) then you got out of the shower and drank a 12 oz can of soda and 3 eggs with toast. Then you get dressed for work and step on the scales you could weigh up to 3 to 5 pounds more. So be fair to yourself and do it the same every time. Good luck and hang in there. By the way if you loose more than a few pounds per week its more than likely water weight which your body will put back on quickly.
  • decdeddet
    decdeddet Posts: 11 Member
    I have found a period of stabilisation happens every now and then through a large weight loss, which yours sounds like it might have been, so give it a little time. All the other advice on here is quite true also....
    Keep at it, it will settle down again soon, so long as you are eating and exercising within the 1200 calories...
    Good luck
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    There are no easy words at this point - it's really something you just need to keep plugging away at. Eventually, if you eat right (and that means more than starvation) and continue to exercise your body will begin shedding the weight. It's a matter of keeping the food intake consistent (that is, smaller, more frequent meals) and consistent exercise (near-daily).

    Good luck.
    ANGALOVE Posts: 2
  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    Have been weighing myself in the morning before i eat so that is consistant. I played tennis yesterday and i dont know if ive taken on water or muscle??? I have been loosing weight for the last few years after daughter born so i am down to the last stone and half and i just think my body is puttin up a massive fight as its sick of it dieting! Hope that next week is better or I will be pullin my hair out!!

    If you've been dieting for awhile, you're not going to have the same dramatic drop as some people do. The drop right away (5+ lbs for some people) is solely due to water weight and their body being shocked. If the only thing you really changed is using MFP, you're not going to get that loss. If you've been dieting and eating right for awhile, I really hate to say it, but you just might not ever get that success.
  • ladyjane
    ladyjane Posts: 3
    Thank you for all your responses there is some great advice out there and i feel really supported. Today 10 days in i've lost 3 and 1/4 lbs which im really pleased about. I think alot of you are right in the fact that im at the end of a long battle was 15.7 stone 3 years ago so my body has been loosing weight for agers now and it does get harder the nearer your goal you get. That said i'm happy with 2lb a week and the 1200 cals a week is really great to stick to even when im going out for a meal. : )
  • Hi Ladyjane,
    I would say that losing weight is only one goal. Getting fit and healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more important. Fortunately If you do that the weight will come off too and you will look and feel amazing. If you feel stronger, healthier and more confident then that is just as much of a great thing as losing another 2lbs.

    I have just started MFP but you are already an inspiration to me. Keep going.
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