Motivation & PCOS

Sbell03 Posts: 3 Member
Hello, Looking for friends to help keep me accountable! I also have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) a hormone/testosterone medical isssue, which makes weight loss a lot harder for me. I just want help people that may be in the same boat as I'm in, we are all real people and need help sometimes


  • calhouka
    calhouka Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! I have PCOS as well and have a hard time losing weight because of it! Also didn't help that I had to take fertility drugs to get pregnant, so now I have to drop all the weight
  • Sbell03
    Sbell03 Posts: 3 Member
    It really means so much to me, just to know that I am not alone in the struggle! ! I may have to start fertility treatment as well but for now we have decided to wait until I can get the PCOS under control (as under control as it can
  • StephanieMoon6
    StephanieMoon6 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ya'll! I have PCOS as well. I had lost 27 pounds using MFP diligently a year ago, eating as clean as possible, and exercising. I did not take Metformin but I plan on taking it now since I am trying to get pregnant and I heard it helps a lot (and it def helps in losing weight)! Add me as a friend if you'd like to keep in touch. I'm down to motivate each other as much as possible. I need to lose all the weight I lost plus a lot more. I do love my body and I am very body positive, but I have to get healthier and stronger!

  • emfreshstart
    emfreshstart Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, I have PCOS too and feel your pain regarding weight loss. It really is a hard slog but it is possible I'm sure. I have a long way to go to reach my goal, and I'd be happy to keep in touch along the way and keep each other accountable. I'll friend request you now
  • carmengiulia68
    carmengiulia68 Posts: 1 Member
    It's hard also for me! But we can achive it! :)
  • beckycatterick
    beckycatterick Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm 19 and about 3 stone overweight. About two years ago I put on 4 stone. Since then I've been diagnosed with PCOS. I've got real issues with loosing weight and it's so hard!! Please feel free to add me as a friend or send me a message at any time you want. I've got some great recipes that have helped me to loose my first stone. Good luck guys just don't give up!