Need friends to help me gain weight

Hello all! I'm 20 yo girl from india struggling to gain weight who loves skipping meals. :(


  • smithyskingdom
    smithyskingdom Posts: 3 Member
    Can i ask why you do this? Do you not like food? Do you worry about putting weight on?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    "love to skip meals" ? Oh my...

  • shamlishh
    shamlishh Posts: 3 Member
    Can i ask why you do this? Do you not like food? Do you worry about putting weight on?

    I'm actually very lazy when it comes to eating.
  • shamlishh
    shamlishh Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    gia07 wrote: »
    "love to skip meals" ? Oh my...

    :( Well, I know it's not a right thing to do and I'm not at all proud of it. But I really don't know why I don't like food.
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    I am trying to lose, so I precook my meals. I am pretty sure you culd do the same, cook one day for the next, set a time for yourself and just eat at that time
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    shamlishh wrote: »
    Hello all! I'm 20 yo girl from india struggling to gain weight who loves skipping meals. :(

    Find a passion for eating and don't skip meals. Think of food differently. It is the fuel for your body.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    While there is nothing wrong with skipping meals, if you do it, then you want to eat higher calorie foods to equalize the playing field.

  • pamelatk900
    pamelatk900 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate to you as U am a lazy eater as well. From the time I could eat they had to pretty much force feed or trick me... As I became an adult I learned to find the foods that I like that are high in calories and as healthy as could be. I got to my ideal weight in about a year - I know it sounds like work but I learned to eat three meals everyday and then started counting calories! It worked best when I rewarded myself which some little pleasure only after I ate what I needed to on a daily basis. It really worked! And I exercised five days a week weight lifting and these days drank mass-building health drinks heavy in calories. Never felt better. I can so relate to you - I had three years of loss if family, hard and stressful work and other things going on and the pounds "fell" off so NOW I am back at it starting only days ago. I have already doubled my calorie intake (or more), am working out again and have already gained a few pounds! Trust me, it is a daily conscious effort and it is work. Most of my friends want or are trying to lose weight and now older we can relate to one another!! Keep at it and good luck!!
  • Bellissimo24
    Bellissimo24 Posts: 4 Member
    @shamlishh - my advice is to take a step at a time.

    Step 1: Determine your goal. What are you trying to achieve? It needs to be measurable. Eg. you want to weigh a certain weight.

    Step 2: Work out how many calories you need to do this. Luckily, MyFitnessPal does this for you and gives you an estimate on how long it will take.

    Step 3: Be honest and do your best. Start noting what you are eating, I find it best to do this just after you eat so you know how much you have left for the day. Keep going every day (if you miss out, don't reach your daily goal, don't worry, just wake up the next day and try again) - the main thing you need to focus on is to keep doing better than you did the day before.

    As someone who struggled to put on weight for years, MyFitnessPal really helped me understand why I wasn't successful.

    My BIGGEST tip if you are a lazy eater is to wake up and have breakfast every day. May sound hard (I used to skip breakfast for years) but if you can do that, then the rest of the day will start to slowly fall into place - your body will start getting hungry at the right times.

    God bless & Good luck!
