Up and down 3 lbs can't reach the 149lb

I've been eating healthy, exercising, moving and doing things constantly. I keep going between 150-153 lbs. my goal is 140 but I just want to see that 149!!! At a plato. Any hints?


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    are you eating at a calorie defecit and know this by weighing and logging your food and purposeful exercise carefully and accurately?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you eating at a calorie defecit and know this by weighing and logging your food and purposeful exercise carefully and accurately?

    All of this. How long have your weight been bouncing around as well?
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you eating at a calorie defecit and know this by weighing and logging your food and purposeful exercise carefully and accurately?

    This. If you keep losing and gaining the same 3 lbs it's because when you're gaining you aren't at a deficit, and when you're losing you are. Make sure to weigh your food accurately and not to overestimate burns.
  • kamber13
    kamber13 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm having the same issues, though I'm in a different ten spot... LOL
    I think my issue is that I have to change up my exercise routine.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kamber13 wrote: »
    I'm having the same issues, though I'm in a different ten spot... LOL
    I think my issue is that I have to change up my exercise routine.


    log your food properly
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    kamber13 wrote: »
    I'm having the same issues, though I'm in a different ten spot... LOL
    I think my issue is that I have to change up my exercise routine.


    log your food properly

    And double check your calorie burn. That was my problem for a year.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Bouncing around the same 3lbs means you're eating at maintenance. There are a lot of cup measurements in your diary. Invest in a $20 food scale and diligently weigh all of your solid foods and use measuring cups for caloric liquids only. You should begin to see the scale move down again once you tighten up your logging.
  • jmawds3
    jmawds3 Posts: 18 Member
    I know it defies logic and science, but a few days of eating whatever I want helps me break a plateau. I'm not sure if my body adjusts to the low caloric intake and slows my metabolism (or whatever people speculate), but a little spike in calories usually helps. I have to go back to a deficit afterwards (or I'll just start gaining), but just a few (2/3) days helps me. I was stuck at 160-163 for weeks until I let myself have a weekend without logging and, miraculously, on Monday my scale said 159! Maybe some magic, voodoo, mojo, whatever, but the scale doesn't lie :) Just another idea on top of the other great ones already here.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Or that 3 pounds could be water weight. I usually bounce around by a pound or two because of water, but 3 pounds is not unheard of. Keep eating at a deficit and you will eventually get there.
  • MikaylaThomson89
    MikaylaThomson89 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • ObiWanJacoby_
    ObiWanJacoby_ Posts: 56 Member
    jmawds3 wrote: »
    I know it defies logic and science, but a few days of eating whatever I want helps me break a plateau. I'm not sure if my body adjusts to the low caloric intake and slows my metabolism (or whatever people speculate), but a little spike in calories usually helps. I have to go back to a deficit afterwards (or I'll just start gaining), but just a few (2/3) days helps me. I was stuck at 160-163 for weeks until I let myself have a weekend without logging and, miraculously, on Monday my scale said 159! Maybe some magic, voodoo, mojo, whatever, but the scale doesn't lie :) Just another idea on top of the other great ones already here.

    For folks that are dieting for extended periods of time your metabolism will slow down. Meaning the natural rate at which your body burns calories at rest, decreases. A re-feed, basically increasing carbs for a day or couple days in your case, tells your metabolism, hey pick up the pace again we're not starving ourselves here. I hit a similar plateau before breaking 190 and had a re-feed on a Sunday . The following Wednesday I broke 190. If this happens to you, just try it. Eat what you want for a day and see what happens. Eating bad for one day won't hurt you, just as eating good for one day will help you.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    The refeed is diet myth. It would take a long time eating at a very low calorie level to slow your metabolism. (Think Tom Hanks on a remote island like in the movie where his FedEx plane crashed into the ocean.) In reality, this 'works' perhaps for psychological reasons rather than scientific? I mean, it can seem refreshing to eat at a 'normal' level for a few days and then you recommit to deficit eating, with improved accuracy. Placebo effect.