Need vacation tips....!

sharesb Posts: 416 Member
Even if they are obvious tips, please share your vacation tips so not to overindulge. I am really stressing about being gone for 10 days and coming back 5lbs heavier!

We are going to Las Vegas -- our room does not have a refrigerator so we can't buy food and keep it in our room unless it is dry food which means we will be eating out several times a day. :embarassed: I have no idea what restaurants we will be at.

We are going golfing six times and going for a hike early one morning, so I will be staying semi-active. (Definitely do not burn as many calories riding around in a golf cart as I do with Power90 Master Series!) Not to mention the amount of walking that happens in Vegas....

Help me keep my sanity! I want to enjoy my vacation but I know deep down I will be worrying about all the calories.

(six more sleeps until vacation!)


  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    skip the cart and walk (pull cart optional)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    If you go to buffets, hit up the fruit and salad bars! If you're at a restaurant, get side salads and fruit cups with your meals! Maybe buy a box of granola bars or something to keep in the room for a snack so you don't eat as much when you go out? Have fun!
  • xdannigirl
    xdannigirl Posts: 32 Member
    Drink LOTS of water. It'll help keep away the munchies!

    When I was in the Carribean with my family, I always had a bottle of water in my bag/hand. Even though we were active all day I found it satisfied me just fine. I was going from 8am to 3pm without even thinking about lunch! And even then we'd get back and just go to the buffet and get some fruit and a cookie each and take it back to the room, where we'd snack and get ready for dinner at 7 (and most nights I didn't even finish everything on my plate as I was just stuffed!)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Here's my bad advice. Eat anything you want. Drink what you want. Do what you want. Most importantly, have a GREAT TIME!

    I just got back from vacation, I gained 4.4 lbs during it. I also had an awesome time walking the beach, swimming, playing volleyball, more walking, more walking, and yeah, some more walking. We did a lot of ping pong and a lot of lounging around. I ate, what felt like, as much as I could (which in reality wasn't very much at all).

    I did gain some weight, but I lost every ounce of it only 5-6 days after we returned. So try not to worry, make the same healthy choices you are making right now (don't eat the whole plate if you are full, make sure to drink some water now and then, so on) and even if you gain weight, you will drop it right back off.

    Have fun!!!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Which hotel are you staying at? That will help me with tips. I lived in Vegas for 5 years, so I know a little bit about it. *wink*

    The biggest thing is STAY HYDRATED! Lots of water, and you'll probably want to buy bottled water. Tap there isn't too palatable. On Casino buffets - avoid pre-dressed salads. I loved the pre-dressed caesar salads, but its impossible to account for the calories accurately. If you like sushi, it's available everywhere, and really pretty healthy.

    Send me a message if you have any specific questions.
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    It's possible to lose weight in Vegas! (The right way) Buffets! Kill, the salad bar and fruit stations at the buffets. Drink plenty of water!

    And remember your on vacation, splurge a little it's not the end of the world as long as you eat sensible and don't over indulge.
  • Postergirl82
    Perhaps there is a gym at the hotel that you can use in the morning before heading out for the day. If not, why not take a resistance band with you and do some of the P90 exercises that you know by heart. Won't be the same workout as normal but is better then not doing anything. Don't let being on vacation be an excuse to eat whatever you want. Try to eat good most of the day and allow yourself one spluge item a day. Good luck and have fun!