Close to Goal, Still Feel Large



  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    I've looked at pictures from when i was my ideal weight and at that time i thought I was huge (I was always big as a child and a teen, lost a lot of weight, and now have gained a lot). I feel like my mind never caught up and i Hope it does this time, but it takes a lot of time. When we are so used to seeing ourselves as one way, its really hard to look in the mirror and realize that this is the current me and I'm healthy. Take comparison pics, put them next to each other to really see the difference.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I am 5'6" and went down from 150 to 128 when I was about 22 (I'm still in my 20s so it wasn't that long ago). I felt happy about fitting into a size 4 but I was upset I still had rolls (tiny) when I bent over and my thighs were still "fat". Our society leads us to believe that if we have fat on our body, we must need to lose weight. NO! When you are at a healthy weight and you want to get rid of some flab, you need to start eat at maintenance or a little more and start lifting. You will not get bulky, but all of the wobbly bits that makes you feel like you are still big will go away. I could be totally wrong here about why you still feel big but if that's the case, that's my advice. If it's not the wobbly bits and you just feel plain big, then you may want to see a therapist because you may have some body dismorphia.

    looks like time for that google image I post all over the shop


    That's such an amazing example! I too feel big and I'm 136lbs (62kgs) at 5'8. It's because I have 0 muscle and so I am flabby and giggly! :pensive:

    Will definitely work on toning ! :)

    I'm your height and I weigh 160 and wear a size 6 .. muscles is what pulls you in and makes you strutt

    Work on heavy lifting - strong curves / new rules of lifting for women or a programme like

  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    Self-perception is certainly strange though. I had the opposite issue before where I would look into a mirror and think my weight looked fine. But then I would see myself in a picture and think, "who the hell is that person?!" Then when I lost weight, I would look in the mirror and still see imperfections and think I didn't change much. However, the pictures once again showed I changed drastically.

    This is why progress pictures are very important with helping for your self image.
  • skcrossley
    skcrossley Posts: 11 Member
    So I've gotten down to 20% body fat, I'm at the same weight, but I've continued to do strength training with burst of high intensity cardio and I'm starting to see the difference. My waist is down to 26.5". I'm starting to see the results.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm 5'4, 30 years old, and have worked my way down from 176 to 127, size 14 to size 2. I still feel size 14. Someday I hope to wake up and find my brain has caught up with my body. It's a disorienting feeling. :-(
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    skcrossley wrote: »
    Here's where I'm at. I'm 5'4" and weigh 130 lbs. I have a 27" waist with 21% body fat and wear a size 4 jean. My goal is to be at 18% body fat and wear a size 2 Jean. The calculations I do tell me I would need to lose about 7 lbs of fat to get to 18% body fat. I'm gettin bummed. I'm so close numbers wise but I feel like I don't look I want. I still feel bigger.

    Anyone else have this problem? I thought I would look better this close to my goal. Will the last ten pounds make a big difference?

    Let your head catch up

    lift progressively heavier weights to body recomp

    You're in a size 4 - that's already very small -

    18% body fat for a female is ridiculously small unless you're a competitive bodybuilder / bikini competitor


    Edit to add IMHO the Lean area is not a target - it's below ideal (unless competing and then it's a short term thing)

    Oh my! I never seen this table, but I'd probably in the lean area with my age. Not sure what my body fat% is, but I guess about 21-22%, and I'm 41.