lost hope and motivation

:( I have hit rock bottom since starting my new job that im completely miserable at..im so ddepressed and dreadful through the week that no matter how hard I try I can't get myself to workout...when I had my old job i would make it a point to get up and exercise before work no matter how early it had to be but now I have no desire and no pep talk I give myself works anymore I feel so guilty for missing workouts ill get up n attempt to workout but realize its no use im not able to function ...exercise use to be my antidepressant what are some tips on how I can get back on track?


  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Just do it. Really, you just have to do it even if you don't want to.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    So whats the cause of it? Is it stress from the new job? If it were me, then id already be prepared. I never ask too much from myself, but I also dont make excuses.

    Its not a race, so accept the job is a significant change and it will take you time to adjust, then you will feel comfy and then you will have more emotional energy and focus to get back on track. If the problem is guilt over workouts, remember that priority for weight loss is keeping your weighing and logging tight. It doesnt appear to be a problem with not losing or gaining just you cba to o to the gym? maybe the journey is different or you are oing at a different time? Give yourself 2 weeks to adjust to the job and review.

    In the meantime, just keep active.
    1. walk places, at least 30 mins a day.
    2. Decide if you wnat the same ym or theres a more suitable one.
    3. Decide if you wnat to try new activities, a sport, swimming, just soemthing which adds variety.
    4. Supplement with some temp workouts at home just to keep yourself icking over.
    5. When you feel up to it pack your bag ready to go for the next day and give youself permission just to go once the first week, then twice the second till you reintroduce yourself back into routine. It gets easier.
    6. Could you try lunchtime or evenings?

    Take a breath, relax and refocus on what you are doing and why. Just to add be prepared if you have been out for a long time, then cut yourself some slack if you find it hard, just pace yourself back into it. No reason why exercise cant be your release like it was before.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I feel the same way about my workouts being an antidepressant- maybe more important for my mental & emotional well-being than physical. Sometimes when it's a struggle, I tell myself, "I will work out for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, if I'm still not feeling it, I will give myself permission to stop." Then I crank up some energizing music and give it a try. I haven't quit yet after 5 minutes. It sounds like you had a good thing going early mornings, but is there another time of day you could try if mornings aren't working right now? I personally just can't do mornings- once crashed into a wall trying to workout in the morning :p
  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member
    accept all scenarios, accept that success isn't guaranteed, decide to take action anyways. And have fun at it. That's my approach to life.

    Why did your exercise routine work last time? Was it sheer willpower, or was it that you actually enjoyed it? You mention that you liked it, so why did you enjoy it? And how can you make it enjoyable now?

    I exercise for MANY reasons, but my biggest motivation is that I just love it. I don't need much willpower now to do it, I need willpower to not do it too much. It feels great to be outside, I love to socialize with friends while exercising, I feel free, I explore new parts of the countryside around my town, I challenge myself, I become stronger, I lose stress, I strengthen my mind, I have time to think, etcetera.

    Becoming aware that exercise could fulfill so many needs of mine was what made it very easy for me to go exercise. I was injured for 8 months and couldn't exercise for most of that time and THAT was the challenge for me. Now I can come back and I feel like I come back to life again! :smiley:

    So, I advice you to make it as much fun as you can and to discover what exercise can do for you, not just on the long term, but also (especially) on the short term. Don't make it boring like most people do, because then you're bound to give up. Why make it boring when you have so many ways to make it fun? ;)
  • bhprince
    bhprince Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing a diet bet. It has helped keep me motivated because I had to put money in...and in order not to lose the money, I have to lose the weight. If you meet your goal, then you get your money back and actually get to split the pot with other winners. Last diet bet, I think I put in $35 and got back $47. So it was like getting paid to lose weight! Here's the one I'm doing right now: http://diet.bt/JmkVG4