NSV- My T-Shirt Story! (among other rambles)

MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
NSV: Non-Scale Victory:
noun, a term used to describe a success that is not based on the numbers on the scale

Alright, my story.
I stopped MFP August of 2010, for personal reasons. I'm an exchange student in Germany right now, and the idea of coutning calories and everything here in Germany just... I don't know, it wasn't something I wanted to do. All exchange students gain weight, usually around 20 pounds during the exchange year, and I was completely okay with that. I knew this was MY time, MY year to learn about a new culture and to learn about myself. So about 5 days before I left for Germany, I stopped counting calories.

I left America weighing 181 pounds, 24 down from my start weight of 205. I was in a size x-large (unisex shirts), around a tight 16 pants, soemtimes an 18, depending on the brand.

I have not counted one day of calories since I got here. I simply lived the German lifestyle, started playing lots of sports, and tried to not let myself go TOTALLY crazy with food.

Well, I've noticed over the past 4 or 5 months that my jeans were becoming loose. Really loose. Eventually, I had to go purchase a belt. And it's getting to the point, that even with a belt, they're still falling off. I thought maybe I was just wearing them too often (one suitcase full of clothes does not give you many options for a year), and they were just stretching out.
Then I had to get dressed up for an orchestra concert. My dress pants, which I hadn't worn since I boarded the plane last August, are a size 18.
Needless to say, I had to buy new dress pants.

When I was in Prague a couple weeks ago with my exchange program, I went to a touristy-souvenir shop in search of a t-shirt. I thought I knew what my size was, and I picked out a large, since my size had gone down from x-large. But I knew there was no way I was a medium.
Then the shop buy was trying to convince me to buy the medium. I was like "No way, dude. I was an x-large, I'm lucky if this large fits me." But he insisted, taking a medium shirt out of the package and holding it up to me.
And holy God, it was big enough.
I bought the shirt, figuring it would be a fluke, and that just because I fit into ONE medium shirt didn't mean I fit into all medium shirts.

TODAY'S story tops the cake, though.
So this morning, I looked into my wardrobe and realized that I desperately needed to do laundry. I had no clean shirts, except an x-large t-shirt that was much too big, and a medium t-shirt that I hadn't worn since I tried it on the first day and it didn't fit (it was a gift from my host parents).
Today, in a depserate act of needing something to wear, I reluctantly tried it on.

It fit.

Guy, it fit.


I am officially a size medium, by my books!

I think the most enjoyable part of all of this, though, is the fact that I did it without counting calories. It's made me realize that I've come along way, and could probably handle maintenance- and I've still got a ways to go! :)

Weight, 205 pounds. T-shirt, x-large. Pants, 18-20

Before Germany:
Weight, 181. T-Shirt, tight large. Pants, tight 16

Now (still in Germany, but almost home):
Weight, 170ish (not sure). T-Shirt, MEDIUM, Pants, somewhere around 14-16
(Sorry about the German flag, it was the closest colored thing I had to distinguish my white shirt from the white wall, haha)

It's pouring rain outside (my favorite weather), absolute no schoolwork, no laundry (I've finished it between this morning and writing this post, haha), and I'm wearing a MEDIUM SIZED T-SHIRT.
Today sounds like it's going to be a lovely day.

Hope all my fellow MFPers have as good of a day as me!


  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    That was such an awesome post. I really enjoyed reading of your NSV I hope you have had an extremely lovely time in Germany. Germany rocks!!! I love coffee there and beer too!
    It will be a very lovely day
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Lovely post. Well done you. What a brilliant life you have. Grab all of it!!!!!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    That's fantastic, well done you! Enjoy the rest of your stay in Germany and go buy some new clothes lol!
  • johnthefatman
    johnthefatman Posts: 205
    Great story - that Medium still looks too big for you! I'm down to a 2 or 1X from 5X - I know how good it feels! NSVs are the best motivation there is.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    yes you are a medium! (That is unless the clothing sizing is TOTALLY differwent but I doubt that :wink:)
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Great result and nothing wrong with the German flag :-)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yay that is exciting and so awesome ! Keep up the good work :)<3
  • jkannon5001
    jkannon5001 Posts: 22 Member
    That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!!
  • FitBuckeyeFan
    FitBuckeyeFan Posts: 2 Member
    Thats awesome that you did it without MFP!!! This is a truly motivating story!!! Keep up the good work :o)
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Great Job! It has a lot to do with the lifestyle. Take that great experience back home with you, and keep it up. I spent 9 yrs in Europe, and the first 4 yrs I gained, because I lived the American way, while eating the German/Italian way. Once I figured out why, I lost and went back to a normal, healthy weight.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Great Job! It has a lot to do with the lifestyle. Take that great experience back home with you, and keep it up. I spent 9 yrs in Europe, and the first 4 yrs I gained, because I lived the American way, while eating the German/Italian way. Once I figured out why, I lost and went back to a normal, healthy weight.
    I agree, it's definitely the lifestyle.
    Strangely, though, I don't feel deprived.
    I'm definitely taking it back to America, haha.
    (except the fact that most Germans I know do NOT drink much water... maybe 3 glasses a day).
  • jljennbunny
    jljennbunny Posts: 21
    You should be really proud of yourself. Congrats....I know getting down to a smaller size is awesome...keep up the good work!
  • Jenniferslast10
    Jenniferslast10 Posts: 36 Member
    You look great! Enjoy your time in Germany. I love how you went there with such an open attitude. Keep up the good work.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Great job - you have learned one thing it sounds like - that you need to exercise, and I'm guessing portion control. You look great! I for one am curious to hear your weight when you return, wouldn't be surprised if you're less than you think you are! :wink:
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    You look GREAT!!! :) congrats on the size medium!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, guys! I've had an awesome time reading them- I feel like I'm on Cloud 9 right now. :)
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