I need some Great Friends to join me!!

So last week I started to restart my weight loss journey. And so far I've lost 10 pounds. I need some friends to help me stay motivated to reach my goal! I want to live a happy life and become a happy wife and the only way I see that happening is to lose this weight! So I need friends to help me get there.


  • swollmar04
    swollmar04 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't forget why you started! And don't let yourself down! Have a great day.
  • Christina650
    Christina650 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi :) this is the 2nd day of my weight loss journey. It is not easy, but it'll be worth it! Good luck
  • brianwollman
    brianwollman Posts: 5 Member
    I started again also. I was so disappointed in myself that I did not even want to step on scale so I had a starting point to track my weight loss.

    We are doing it for our family as much as we are doing it for ourselves.

    Congrats on the 10 lbs yippee
  • jkiadawn1
    jkiadawn1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! I felt the same way actually I gained all the weight I lost back plus 12 more. It hurt to hear my daughter say mommy you are so big look at you. She's only 3!!! I have to do something and not go back ever again!!!
  • jkiadawn1
    jkiadawn1 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all!!! I can do it again!
  • blessed9810
    blessed9810 Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats on your achievement ! You are beautiful in both pics.