Let's support each other and stop binge eating...



  • Bombie1985
    Bombie1985 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too - I'm the worst :/
  • megdrey
    megdrey Posts: 6 Member
    Pizza is my worst enemy
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Biscuits and cereal are my worst enemy. It's 5pm where I am so got to get through the hardest part of the day to avoid a binge. How's everyone done today?
  • journey43206
    journey43206 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is okay over here in Ohio... My issues seem 2 be triggered by pop. I drink diet pop but it always makes me,feel like I need something to eat with it. I had a binge day on sat night/Sunday. The store didn't have a small bag of jalepeño Cheetos so of course I had to buy the big bag. So of course I,had 2 eat the whole thing over 2days. And felt soooooooo guilty about it... Didnt log it. I can be so hard on myself. But yesterday and today have been better. Back on track now... Gotta allow myself an endulgance meal a few times a week otherwise I dive face first into a huge amount of junk. I,must 4give myself and move on. This is so psychological!!!
  • journey43206
    journey43206 Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone feel free 2 add me! I would love 2 have mutual support.
    Hw 325
    Sw 305
    Cw 240
    Nothing lost in a few weeks. Must get back on my game
  • maxzorro
    maxzorro Posts: 23 Member
    My binge eating is worst when I've had a few drinks the night before. If I'm a bit hung over I want to eat everything in sight...especially greasy food! That plus the calories from the wine I drink is killing me!!!! Good during week, terrible on weekend.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Sugar is a big trigger for me - I've been trying to avoid it and feeling more in control. I really struggle with stopping sometimes - if I start eating sugary or salty snacks the whole box will be gone :'(
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    Sugar is a huge trigger for me too- I really need to avoid dessert type things completely, as I realize I cannot eat them in moderation
  • karenvsh
    karenvsh Posts: 6 Member
    Yes please!!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    I got to the end of day 1 without binging! Feel proud of stopping my 2 day binge going any further. Bring on day 2! Couldn't have done it without the encouraging comments!
  • karenvsh
    karenvsh Posts: 6 Member
    Ah well done. My turn tmw to join in the fun!
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    beamer0821 wrote: »
    good for you! read Breaking Free from Emotional/Compulsive Eating by Geneen Roth. she writes fantastic on the subject. and its a quick read. this book was a game changer for me.

    This is an amazing book! It was such a relief to read...I finally realized "okay, I'm not crazy...other people have these issues....and they can be solved!"
  • irishdancer214
    irishdancer214 Posts: 108 Member
    I used to really struggle with binge eating (and still do, but not as strongly)....and I made a bad habit of not eating much at all for most of the day (at school or work) to save my calories for a big dinner...then I ended up finishing off TONS of candy and chocolate, ice cream, chips....random stuff too, like a ton of peanut butter or cereal.

    Here's what helped me:
    1) I started taking a magnesium supplement (yes, consult your doctor...but this was a VERY obvious deficiency), which really cut back my chocolate cravings...it was almost magic
    2)I cut out artificial sweeteners (sucralose and ascelfame potassium being big ones...even check your vitamins and protein supplements if you use them!)...research has shown that they actually cause you to lose your sensitivity to sugar, since the sweetness of sucralose, etc doesn't have calories. Big help on stopping cravings!
    3)I majorly limited processed foods...again, more energy and you feel better by eating better!
    4)I made sure I allowed myself a decent mid-afternoon snack and had enough fat in my diet (I was all about fat-free for a while...that definitely made me crave junk more)
    5) Due to my work schedule, I started having a later dinner and planned for that...this way if I ate at 9pm or a little later, I had a satisfying dinner in my and didn't want to binge so much

    I hope this helps!
  • WelshLady1
    WelshLady1 Posts: 7 Member
    This is my biggest issue
  • WelshLady1
    WelshLady1 Posts: 7 Member
    Btw feel free to add me .. More support the better
  • NoorSharif
    NoorSharif Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first time posting I haven't seen much about binge eating and I'm always embarrassed to talk about it or admiting it. I think it's because in essence it works similar to how an addictions works in the brain. You feel bad one day or something happened that triggered a memory or stress and made you feel not so great and instead of going to drugs or alcohol to relieve your emotions we eat which triggers a huge release of dopamine not found in individuals that do not binge eat. Just the sight or smell of food triggers dopamine in people like us unlike others who do not have the same dopamine release response to food like people who binge eat. It's a long and hard battle but if you can realize your triggers, even be able to seek some counseling which is so helpful, try to catch yourself in the maladaptive thinking that food = pleasure (relief of stress, emotion etc) than it can be managed. I have even went so far to study this in school (I'm doing my PhD in Clinical Psychology) because I think it's something not that well understood especially scientifically even though so many people suffer from it.

    Please add me as a friend I really would like to know more people who have similar experiences and support one another!
  • dianna1286
    dianna1286 Posts: 37 Member
    I'd like to join. I've tried everyday for the last month to stop binge eating and every night I feel like a failure. I haven't been able to drop a pound since. Please help me everyone!
  • skafka74
    skafka74 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in. I've gained 7 pounds this past month after working very hard to lose 27. Sometimes I feel like giving up but I really want to get to a healthy weight.
  • EAT0023
    EAT0023 Posts: 23 Member
    I have been binging a lot lately, probably because i have been under a lot of stress. I need to stop this, all it does is make me stressed out more, and then i am in a vicious cycle. Blah! I hate what i have done this month!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    We can do it! I successfully completed day 2 yesterday :-) day 3 starts now! Feel free to add me as a friend - I've found reaching out for friends to support through this is helping so much