HRM Bonus

hsbi Posts: 8 Member
I am a 5ft 6in male looking to lose about 55 Lbs by my 55th birthday, this is a year away so target is 1 Lb per week. Starting weight was 224 Lb. Just had my 4th weigh in and have lost 13 Lb so far. Been a lurker on here for a month now - read a number of posts relating to overstating or overestimating calories burned during exercise. So I thought I had better invest in a Polar HRM. Have found that I had been understating my exercise calories by about 50% not overestimating as I expected.


  • gusto80
    gusto80 Posts: 28
    Welcome!!! You can do this!
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    Welcome!!! I LOVE my Polar - I now know exactly what I'm burning - and like you was under estimating most of the time! Much luck to you!
  • rwuchic
    rwuchic Posts: 20 Member
    I had the same problem. I'm always at least 100 plus calories off the machines at the gym. They only take into account speed and distance but not how far you are pushing yourself.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Good for you! My hrm gives me a pittance in comparison to the site!!!!
  • hsbi
    hsbi Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the comments. Good to know that a number of others had the same experience - had thought that everyone got a smaller reading with the HRM than with gym equipment.