Need some support!

hey guys. I'll tell you upfront, writing this on the verge of tears in a fitting room. Just need some
Support. I have always gone up and down with my weight, and i am the biggest I have ever been. I am in great shape as I always am despite my weight, but I am enormous right now and so big. I am the biggest I have ever been. Nothing fits (2-3 sizes over my "normal" size). I was never in plus sizes, I'm now trying on plus sizes and all I can keep thinking in my head is that I hate myself. I am dieting and doing my best, not perfect, but I am doing my best and I see no change. Also, I don't weigh myself- I'm too scared to and haven't in about 10 years- but I go by clothes, and I'm the biggest I have been and see no difference in my clothes despite a month of dieting. I eat a portion of my exercised calories, so sometimes end up at around 1800 a day, I don't know if that is the problem, all I know is that nothing fits me. I'm supposed to go to a wedding this weekend, but I can't find a dress and plus, I am too embarrassed to see people I know now that I'm so big. I am just so sad right now. I just need some encouragement. Thank you for reading this rambling note.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Hard to say without more details/ stats. I cant gauge how much of what you posted is because you are upset? Big yo uou might be someone elses slightly more than normal.

    If you arent losing then over a month its because you are eating more than you think and arent at deficit. That would be even taking into account the workouts. Your diet and the way you are doing it dont appear to be working.Please open your diary so we can have a look at what you have been doing and giving you some more informed answers.

    Losing weight is straightforward if you just follow the basic rules of being at a consistent deficit and if you are on MFP use the tool it provides to track your calories properly. Commit to doing that at a deficit and you will lose. It will require you to weigh log and portion control. Stop the panic, am sure others will give you some tips on finding a dress, but really there are many people much heavier than you and they cope. Enjoy the wedding, dont get too paranoid and then commit to your lifesyle change afterwards.
  • MrsAxel
    MrsAxel Posts: 6 Member
    Opened up my diary. Total transparency- minus workouts, usually don't add in my workout for he day to keep the deficit from being crazy and usually burn a bunch without my gym time anyway.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited May 2015
    You need to let us know what you are doing

    For example:

    Are you logging accurately (making sure the calories on here match the calories on the packaging)
    Are you weighing out your food (this seems to be one A LOT of people who are failing say they don't do)
    Make sure you aren't over estimating your exercise calories, for example if you are doing 20 minutes of moderate effort cycling you aren't going to burn 1000 calories (bit extreme but people do overestimate by ridiculous amounts)
    What are your full stats
    etc etc etc

    After looking at your diary you seem to have irregular logging, I saw a few days that were like 600 calories, I'm guessing you just gave up logging on those days

    You are using far too many generic things. I saw a few home mades and also "wedding cake". These are most likely a LOT less calories than you think

    You are using cup measurements. You need to weigh out your foods. After looking at your diary you look like you are most likely under estimating how many calories you are having due to your lack of weighing out food. Continuing the same way that's given you no progress is going to continue to give you no progress. You will have to make these changes or else you will continue to fail.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • MrsAxel
    MrsAxel Posts: 6 Member
    What do you mean full stats?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Ok had a look, seems like aly saw what I did.
    1. Use a scale to measure your food, its the most accurate method. Your aim is to be at deficit.
    2. How are you measuring your calorie burns? How much % are you eating back? MFP overestimates in a lot of situations, so best be conservative, make sure you fuel and hydrare, but only eat back 25%-50%.
    3. Think about lowering your calorie level down to soemthing appropriate, we dont know your age , height and you dont know your weight. But not stepping on the scale just to find out where you are, doesnt mean you dont weigh whatever it is. I dont know how you woprked out you have 30lbs to lose. If you did it properly then you are looking at 30 weeks as a rough estimate on 1lb a week if you did it properly with a consistent deficit. It might take longer, but you cna do it 100% if you commit. Its just a case of doing it, beating yourself up does nothing positive for you and its way too much hassle.
  • MrsAxel
    MrsAxel Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, scale purchased. Hopefully will help!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    ofc it will help, losing weight is about cico and then being at a deficit. A scale will help you achieve that deficit. Work on your mindset, commit and you can make it work. Its not worth getting upset anymore, get even and this time next year you cna be in the position where you cna easily find the dress you want, but its all down to you to make it happen.
  • MrsAxel
    MrsAxel Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks so much.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Theres lots of things that you need to get right with your lifestyle change including the logging and being at a deficit. The other thing that strikes me about your post is you need to worry less and just do things properly, then the loss will come. Its only 30lbs and you can shift that easily in 1 year, feel its a big achievement and you will feel better about the whole thing. Btw when you say scale there are two types, the bathroom one, which needs to be used with common sense and the more important kitchen scale to weigh your food.