Needs Support

Hi, my name is Jacquelyn and i recently found out that i weight 290 pounds. It really snuck up on me and im trying to lose weight before i hit the 300 mark. I have lost 60 poulds before and gained it all back plus some, so i know how hard it is to lose weight i dont have the support i had last time and i know i need it. If anyoneone else is looking to lose a lot of weight please join me on my journey. I would love to meet you!


  • amgibson1980
    amgibson1980 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you Jacquelyn! People who don't have weight issues don't understand. 200lbs was my "point of no return" mark. I've noticed that over the years I just keep allowing that point to get higher and higher. Like you, about four years ago I lost 60 lbs. I had let myself get to about 230 lbs and I decided "no more"! So, I worked really hard, and over the course of about 9 months maybe, I lost down to about 168lbs. That is the smallest I have been in at least a decade now. I felt great! Now, one baby later and a lot of complacency, I find myself unable to get motivated and stick to a diet. Before I could drop 15 lbs and feel okay. Now I've gained that 15lbs and a lot more. At one point I said, "I'm not letting myself get over 180lbs." That changed to 190lbs, then that changed to 200lbs. I am now a very depressed 207.8 lbs. What the heck happened?!? I am truly at a point of no return mark where all I can see is my weight getting greater and greater.

    Yesterday I said "No more!" I spoke with some of my friends that have similar issues. I cried to my husband and explained this terrible addiction. He doesn't truly get it, but he gets that this is hard for me. He is really great about it. He always tries to help, but no one can really help. We have to help ourselves. So, I'm ready to help myself, and I can see you are too! I would love to be a supportive voice for you in your efforts. We can do this!

    Different strategies are going to work better for some than others, but there are a lot of good articles out there that give great advice.
    I found the above article quite motivating. I'm pretty goal-oriented, so if I have something that says check these boxes, I can usually do it--at least for a while.

    I am trying It is a site where you can bet that you will reach a weight loss goal. You are in competition with yourself, of course, but if you "win" by reaching your goal, you can actually win back more money than what you bet. I have chosen a 4% weight loss challenge game with a $25 bet, but I think I will also do the 6 month, long term one as well, as that seems to be my biggest problem. Maybe you should check it out? Again, all things won't work for all people.

    That being said, I know where you are, and you can do it. If you chart your progress and log the calories and just pledge to move more than you do now, the weight will come off, even if it comes off slowly. I'm here for you. I can't weight to see how well you do this first week! And remember, if you make a little slip, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!" One bad moment doesn't define you. That is one thing I like about this site. Before if I "broke" and ate Cheese Its, I would just say what the heck and dig into the box more or have total abandonment later. Now, even though I am not happy with myself about the Cheese Its I ate today, I can see that it only has a small impact and I can be good the rest of the day and still feel good about myself. I will just go home after work and take my toddler for a walk and to the park instead of playing Facebook games. :)

    Anyway, good luck to you! You've got this!
  • mandalpanda7
    mandalpanda7 Posts: 11 Member
    Omg I am SOOOO in the same boat. I'm 24, and 225 lbs. I'm getting married in August and I'm so disappointed at my weight. I've been working closely with my doctor for nearly 5 years on . trying to not gain weight. It feels impossible. Since I've had almost every test under the sum to figure put why my doctor referenced me to a gastric surgeon. I've been going through motions to get vertical sleeve surgery. But before I do i have to lose 25 lbs in.2 months
  • mandalpanda7
    mandalpanda7 Posts: 11 Member
    Sending you both a PM
  • amgibson1980
    amgibson1980 Posts: 8 Member
    Amanda, have you had success losing weight in the past? You are such a beautiful girl, I think if you could lose 25 lbs you could do it all on your own. That is quite a bit of weight to lose in 2 months though. It can certainly be done, but in my experience weight lost so quickly pops right back on. I also have trouble losing weight "for"something. Its like I have this internal need to sabotage myself. Ugh! It's so frustrating.
  • LisaC1202
    LisaC1202 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also in the 290ish and know how you feel about 300. I have lost weight in the past did good keeping it off until after I had my daughter in 2012. Will support you anyway I can.Feel free to pm anytime you.
  • kailabug
    kailabug Posts: 3 Member
    I'm struggling also with my weight being 260. I am new to this but hoping to succeed this time. Good luck to you all.