Primal/Paleo Success

jrosto Posts: 95 Member
Hi all, I have been eating Primally since May 5th, 2014. When I started I weighed 251 lbs with a BMI of 33.2. I was officially obese.

I also had a disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Basically my lungs were reacting to some past damage and had gone into overdrive creating scar tissue. My lungs were turning into raisins. Outside of a lung transplant, there is no real treatment for this disease. There have been a couple drugs approved that do help some people slow the disease and there are more in the clinical trial pipeline that look promising.

When I started I was on supplemental oxygen for any exertion at all. I used up to 8 lpm continuous flow for moderate exercise. Exercise exertion was limited by my blood oxygen saturation. It really is best to keep it above 90%.

I needed to lose weight. I needed to lose weight so my body didn't waste oxygen feeding fat. I also needed to lose weight so I could be considered for a lung transplant. My lung capacity was less than 50% of normal. My lungs ability to transfer oxygen to my blood was also less than 50% of normal. So basically with each breath I took, I was only getting somewhere around 25% of the oxygen of normal lungs.

Why did I choose the Primal Lifestyle? A couple of reasons really. I already know that my body does not like sugar. Sugary foods made me cough and short of breath. Carbs have helped make me fat. Makes sense to cut out those two foods.

Another reason is that I know a man, Bill Vick, who has IPF and ran a 5K in March of 2014. Bill introduced me to the Primal Blueprint via an IPF forum. Bill and I share a doctor and I can verify that his story is real, gave me some hope.

If you are interested, you can read my [URL=""]21 Day (and beyond) Total Body Transformation journal here.

By October I had lowered my BMI to 28, the maximum BMI to be considered for a lung transplant at UT Southwestern in Dallas. During the transplant evaluation they found that outside of my lungs, I was very healthy. I passed the evaluation and was placed on the transplant list in November. I continued to lose weight, exercise as I could, and try to keep as healthy as possible.

On December 31st I was called into the hospital and early January 1st I received a bilateral lung transplant. The procedure went very well and my recovery was amazingly quick. I was released from the hospital after only 9 days. That is exceptionally quick. Most lung transplant stays are at least twice that. I credit following the PB to my quick recovery. My core strength was good for the condition the rest of my body was in. I had worked hard to build a good gut bug colony, and I think they really helped me out there. I had also lost more weight so it was easier for me to get out of bed and do physical therapy quickly.

I have had some issues. I came home on a feeding tube because of some swallowing issues following the procedure. That was resolved quickly. I also had an acute rejection issue that sent me back to the hospital for a week. I have pretty much recovered from that issue. I am no longer on oxygen and my blood oxygen saturation is normal.

Prior to the transplant, eating Primally really helped reduce the symptoms of the IPF. Cutting out all refined sugars and grains got rid of my IPF cough. The cough can be debilitating for many IPF patients, and mine went away. I also had some skin sores that would not go away until I started followimg a primal diet. Within a couple of weeks they were gone. My acne also went away. Add to these successes my weight loss and increased energy levels, it was easy to stay on plan.

When I started last May I weighed 251 lbs. I wore XXL shirts and size 42 pants. Today I weigh 161 lbs. I wear M/L shirts and very comfortable size 33 pants. I think phase one, weight loss, is completed successfully :)

Now on to phase 2. [/url]


  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
  • elle_321
    elle_321 Posts: 63 Member
    Good on you!!! not only will you be so much healthier but you look great to. Good work.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
  • eireokie
    eireokie Posts: 15 Member
    I too embraced the Paleo/Primal lifestyle back in May 2014. Best decision I ever made for myself in regards to health and well being. Here's a list of issues that were remedied by my decision.

    1. Dropped over 50 pounds!
    2. Lowered my blood pressure from what was becoming usual for me (140/85) to 116/65.
    3. My A1C was slightly elevated before I went Paleo/Primal (6.8) and is now 4.6.
    4. Interestingly, even with a higher fat intake (good fats I might add) my total cholesterol went from 215 to 156 with my HDL/LDL ratios leaning to the good side.

    Another malady I had was a nagging toenail fungus (gross...I know) before I cleaned up my diet. I couldn't take Lamisil because it made me sick, About two months after cleaning up my more toenail fungus! I don't think this was just coincidence. I attribute this completely to the way I eat.

    I think exercise is important but proper (clean!) diet is paramount!

  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    Sorry about the size of those images..
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    Amazing feat! What a life lesson!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Very well done on all counts!
  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Wow!!! You look fantastic!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Fabulous! glad you're feeling better AND looking better!
  • lynder64
    lynder64 Posts: 285 Member
    Just what I needed to stumble across today for some much needed motivation! Thank you for sharing and how wonderful for you that you are in such a better place today health wise :-)
  • ladynasdaq
    ladynasdaq Posts: 21 Member
    I am so very happy for you!!! I'm a RN who is fighting an obesity problem for years. I started out Dec.24 morning 2014. I dropped about 36 lbs and gained back 14.5 and lost 4.5 lbs. in 2 days. Water weight yes but I can tell you that I'm happy that I got back on track. I have been on Weight Watchers but Sunday decided to do some calorie counting and went with 1500 calories. I worked my 12 hr shift and realized uh oh, I need more calories, too hungry.
    I have an interest in Primal/Paleo since I really like meats,fish and eggs. I just need to learn more about it so that I can see if this would work for me. I believe you don't eat grains,legumes and processed foods as well as peanuts.
    Which web site or book is best for someone new to this and congrats on your success!!!! I'm motivated to get to high goal weight which is 150 lbs.
    By the way, my starting weight was 282 and this is with clothes,shoes,socks. Today with all of that I'm down to 250 but my lowest was around 244.2. I weighed myself dressed the same. I was sick for 2 weeks so I am trying to get the excess weight I gained off of me and it is coming off pretty well.

  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Congrats jrosto!! what a great story and I'm so glad that you are healthy!

    Ladynasdaq - I recommend sites such as Mark's Daily Apple and Nerdfitness. Plenty of info to get started. I've read books by Mark Sisson and Robb Wolfe, and other books whose authors I can't remember: It Starts with Food, Death by Food Pyramid, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, Keto Adapted, Cholesterol Myth. There are so many! There is also a group on here for Primal/Paleo. Great people with tons of advice and wisdom. Good luck!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Amazing. Congratulations!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good job! Inspiring story.

    For ladynasdaq, the books that started me on my journey a couple years ago were The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson ( has a lot of helpful information), and The Paleo Diet Solution by Robb Wolf (he has a website, too). As an RN, you might find their information on the link between diet and hormone regulation interesting.

    I did not start eating this way (paleo/primal) to lose weight. I had given up on losing weight, frankly, after years of various diets. (I'm a lifetime member of Weight Watchers!) I actually stumbled on this way of eating as a result of searching for a natural way to deal with severe joint pain and arthritis, instead of taking heavy-duty anti-inflammatory drugs with frightening side effects.

    I'm happy to say it's worked well, and the side-effect to my pain-reduction regime has been unintended (but very welcome!) weight loss.

    Best wishes to you on your journey, and may you find something that works well for you.
  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks again for all of the kind words. The suggestions on resources explaining the Primal/Paleo lifestyle are all good ones that should help explain the basics.
  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    WOW!! Great job you look amazing!!
  • Blythe777
    Blythe777 Posts: 4 Member
  • Blythe777
    Blythe777 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2015
    Congratulations! Sorry for the double posts--double congrats, lol.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    way to go! :wink: :smiley: very happy for you!
    I've been doing primal/paleo for a few weeks now and my 7 month plateau has gone away, I'm eating almost 2000 calories a day and I feel AMAZING. My hair has gotten softer, my nails are growing out of control (I've NEVER had good nails), more energy, my stamina for exercise has improved greatly, and I just feel AMAZING.
    Paleo can work people!
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