In need of some friends and motivation buddies

Shieldmaiden22 Posts: 17 Member
edited May 2015 in Getting Started
Hey everyone!
I am excited to give MFP another shot,but I need help to keep it up! I know from experience that I will need some friends to help keep me motivated :)


  • polijex
    polijex Posts: 25 Member
    welcome back, give it everything that you got and it wont fail you! ive met plenty of people on here excited to help and motivate those of us that need it. good luck and keep it up!
  • Shieldmaiden22
    Shieldmaiden22 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! That means a lot! I feel so determined I just don't want it to give up ha :)
  • polijex
    polijex Posts: 25 Member
    just stay focused on what you really want and you wont want to give up.
  • mustangmomma1961
    mustangmomma1961 Posts: 2 Member
    I love this site-has really helped me tremenously in my weight loss!! You really take notice of your daily intake when you start logging everything in! Just try, and stay focused, and work the tools provided, and it can, and will work! No worries if you fall, just get back on track the next day with a fresh start!!
    Good luck to you Suzy585..
    Do agree with polijex!!
    As most of us know weight loss is such a frustrating thing-so easy to put on, and way to hard to take off!
    With determination, and plenty of will power anyone can do it!!
    The best support system is all of us who are trying to do the same thing!!
  • BrittaniDirks
    BrittaniDirks Posts: 113 Member
    I will send you a request I need more friends on here!! This is my first time using MFP I'm 6 weeks in
  • BrittaniDirks
    BrittaniDirks Posts: 113 Member
    Or request me, for so e reason it won't let me request anyone right now
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    U know what is a good motivation, look at what people teach their kids to eat, you have a great opportunity in life of raise them very differently.
  • Feel free to add me
  • theDonaldSouth
    theDonaldSouth Posts: 11 Member
    I had a couple of friends but they quit using the app. I've plateaued over the past few months. Encouragement really works.
  • Shieldmaiden22
    Shieldmaiden22 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful words! :)
  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    Feel free to add me Suzy, happy to help keep you on the right track:)
  • deejaymojito
    deejaymojito Posts: 9 Member
    i am on 94 days streak. started with bad macros but managed to gain all knowledge recently and now i can give decent advice to someone who's still struggling. feel free to add me or shoot me a message if you have any question.
  • apadams2015
    apadams2015 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat! just sent you a request (:
  • TheArtfulOne
    TheArtfulOne Posts: 8 Member
    Well done on getting back on the MFP goal, i am very much new to it and have been on for 30 days now and linking into my FitBit, injuries and surgeries have caused me to pile the weight on. MFP has made me look at what i eat and also to go out and do a little bit every day to help with weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Shieldmaiden22
    Shieldmaiden22 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone! So far so good on sticking to it and trying to do more and eat better :) Whoohoo
  • cathy3457
    cathy3457 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in the same situation. Just got back on the horse after 14 months! Charging my old fitbit as we speak!
  • StereophoneyGaz
    StereophoneyGaz Posts: 406 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey girl I'm on my 3rd trip with MFP...but hey I'm here and that's what counts. Most of my friends have gone inactive tho so I'll send you a request!
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    Well it won't let me right now...Maybe send me one lol
  • lynzsedore
    lynzsedore Posts: 7 Member
    Looking for some supportive peeps to keep on the right path...need to loose about 40 is day 1...request or add or however you do