eating habits with 3es shift schedule

I need help. Its hard to eat, sleep, and exercise while working 7p to 7a...any tips.


  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    I hear you! I work 3pm-7am. I too am having difficulty eating "normal". My biggest issue is on a work day I feel like I'm eating more and I'm more hungry. Then when I get home in morning, I sleep almost all day awaking usually between 5p-7pish. ( I do wake up around 2pm but so tired that I fall back to sleep). So on those days, I don't eat as much. I work on Monday and Wednesday(2 16hrs). I count a day as noon to midnight since I'm more of a night person. I am losing weight but it's harder with these hours.
    Suggestions are welcome.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    If you have regular breaks during your work time, consider making those your regular mealtimes while at work. I am on Gov't Office Security from 20:30-05:30 and I go straight to sleep when I get home, waking at 12:00 or 13:00. Then I have my 'breakfast' (I call it lunch on my diary because it's easier on my days off). Workouts happen in the afternoon when I also do errands and grocery shop etc in town. I aquacize or do power walking at that time mostly, besides doing brisk building rounds at work. Supper is at home with my hubby at 18:00 or so, then off to work. I log my 01:00 mealtime as 'snacks' on my diary - again so it fits into my non work days. I try not to eat after that so that it is similar to not snacking before bed late in the evening for day workers. I drink 6 glasses of water on my shift (3 are herbal teas and 3 are plain with lemon squeezed in). I am keeping my carbs low and choosing healthy fats and proteins for my early a.m. meal. Try using your phone to schedule an alarm when it's time to eat and try not to eat outside of those times. Bring something to interest your brain if you are in a job where you don't have to be active or working with clients/patients etc all the time. There are lots of free college courses you can take online, do word puzzles, read a novel (depends on your job of course).
    Hahaha, and stay away from the vending machines - leave your money at home. That helps. Plan your meals for the week or even for a couple days at a time. Make enough to take leftovers for your next day's meal. Saves money and snacking calories.
    Hope that was helpful ;)
  • gulogulo2014
    gulogulo2014 Posts: 14 Member
    I work 11pm-7am 5 nights a week.

    My "mornings"start at 10 pm or so. So I usually eat "breakfast."

    I may pack a snack, sometimes I do, sometimes I just fast throughout my shift. I typically eat again when I get home. Sometimes prior to working out or after. I'm asleep by 3 pm so I generally eat two meals a day with some snacks. Sometimes I eat once a day because I sleep a lot. I typically eat more during day light hours though.

    The weekends are my off days so I'm usually sleep before 7-8 pm and wake up at 4 in the morning. I eat like a normal person lol, often two meals. Breakfast and dinner.

    About fasting while at work, my logic is that if I were sleeping I would be fasting anyway. I don't want a 16 hour window of eating. That prevents it.