Looking for weight loss supportive friends.

Rickymfp Posts: 6 Member
Hi I'm Ricky and in need of friends to support me along my journey of health and fitness and to support you all as well. I used to be mega fit was in the Army, ran a full marathon and several half marathons. But had a rocky road since I left in 2012 and up to last week hit my heaviest I ever been at 20 stone 5 pounds.

It's been 1 week and I have lost 6 pounds and now I'm 19 stone 13 pounds. Nice to be away from the dreaded 20 stone. By the end of this year I want to be down to 14 or 15 stone. So please add me and we can help each other along the way. Thanks for reading and good luck on all ur roads to a better healthier lifestyle.


  • AlyssaSupernova
    AlyssaSupernova Posts: 45 Member
    added :)
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    Feel free to add me. You are off to a great start!
  • facelegtoe
    facelegtoe Posts: 16 Member
    I've added you :)
  • tajs17
    tajs17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all ... very similar story here Ricky. Around 10 years ago I lost 6st to become a lean 14st sportsman living my dream playing football / cricket for local teams at a high level, enjoying food, drink and a healthy lifestyle. I don't know what happened whether it was comfortable lifestyle or just "life" but I threw it all away and have gone to around 22st now and can't really follow my passion of sports any more. I've lost/regained weight around 3 times and really want to do it and keep it off this time. This is my first day on mfp and I really want my healthy sporting lifestyle again, especially now as well as I have a child on the way :-) . Good luck all with your journey
  • emfreshstart
    emfreshstart Posts: 17 Member
    I've added you buddy. I'd love to share the journey with you. I'm at my heaviest at 15st, and I'm only 5ft 4 so that's very obese for me. My target is to reach 11st and maintain it initially.
  • beckycatterick
    beckycatterick Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Ricky! Please feel free to add me. Always here for a chat. That goes to anyone and everyone! ☺
  • melissawhittaker490
    melissawhittaker490 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me just started myself though getting weighed later as sdon't actually know my weight but think you've made a great start definitely
  • niktimms1
    niktimms1 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me I have been struggling with my weight since 2010 after my boy was born I'm am 13 St I would like to lose 2 st any motivation tips and suggestions would be grateful
  • Rickymfp
    Rickymfp Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone who has added me and I will add this of you who said to add. Ye I served 7 years in the army then started going downhill for many reasons. I met someone and got comfortable and also had a gambling and gaming addiction. I have managed to stop them both completely. I also suffered depression wen I left the army. Last year I was on my fitness pal and in November 2014 managed to get down to 16 stone but since then I went on a huge take away binge for months and no exercise and resulted in piling on 4 stone.

    So this time I plan on leading a healthier lifestyle no diets. Just eat fruit and veg cut out the sugar and not to many fats. But also cut out takeaways etc. I'm drinking water now instead of fizzy drinks or even squash. I don't mark down water on here cus it not very accurate. I tend to drink around 2-3 litres a day.

    Look, forward to getting to know some of you good luck everyone.