Weight Loss Surgery...Getting back on track!

Hi Everyone! Just trying to get some support. I had weight loss surgery about a year an a half ago and lost 50 pounds! Recently I got pregnant and had a miscarriage and have gained 20 pounds back... I NEED TO GET BACK ON TRACK!


  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    HI, what surgery did you have?
  • missnikki_27
    missnikki_27 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I had gastric bypass rny surgery July 2013, I initally lost 80 lbs and then got pregnant before the year cut off, with twins. I went back to my pre-pregnancy weight right after having them but in the past year 20lbs has creeped back up. It's all due to me slipping back into old habits, not maintaining my protein intake, and lack of excersise. I too am looking to get back on track.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    you are both here...so that is a great start! You've lost weight before so you know the basics...track all of your food, stay within your calorie goal, manage your macros in a way that works for you. Drink a lot of water, move more, eat less...

    you can do this! Many of us have done this (even if it is the second, third, or twentieth time around!)
  • kathydraperfitness
    kathydraperfitness Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2015
    Had my surgery 2-6-98 Open RNY Curios what your docs calorie goals were for you?? I am pretty physically active My doc was absolutely no help in the nutrition side but did a great job on the surgery All of you are welcome to friend request me. We are in this together