UK friends with success stories wanted!


I lost lost 30Ibs in 2012/13 and have been stuck in a YEAR-long plateau. Now I want to lose another 30Ibs for my Christmas wedding.

I'm in need of some motivation and would appreciate some more friends who have had success losing weight to provide some much needed inspiration!

I'm UK-based so friends in the UK would be nice.



  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    I'm not in UK but similar. Lost 30lbs and now stuck in a four month plateau. I've 10 to go. Frustrated but tweaking macros etc to try crack the plateau. Oh, I'm Irish.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Well done!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Im in the Uk. I lose weight. the reason you arent losing is because you are not at a calorific deficit, simple as that.
    Yes you clan lose 30 by Christmas if you get your skates on. its a realistic target and you just have to apply yourself and commit.
  • JemmaWte
    JemmaWte Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations. I am trying to tone up and get fit for my December wedding. What are your plans to achieve? I am trying to eat less carbs (none at dinner) and do 2-3 sessions of exercise a week. Joined yoga. Second class tonight. Really enjoying it.
